Monday, May 28, 2012

Road Trips are Awesome: Roan's First Time in the UP!

Roan went to the UP for the first time! And it won't be his last. 

My cousin got married in Marquette and I was a bridesmaid. I bought a shirt for him that says “Road trips are awesome”. I thought it would be appropriate! He can wear it again for my friend’s wedding in September (that one is in Indianapolis).

We left at 8ish Thursday morning and arrived in Marquette at around 6pm. Which is really good time considering stopping for feedings! Each time we stopped, we pulled out the picnic blanket and let Roan crawl (or walk with our help) around. That really, really helped. He got to stretch his legs and wasn’t as bored in the car. He loved watching the trucks at the first stop!

I passed the camera on to Sean and had him take pictures to show that I was there, too! So often I’m behind the camera and I always end up wanting more pictures of Roan and I. Turns out my hubs has a pretty good eye!
Roan traveled wonderfully! Unfortunately, this meant he did not sleep well Thursday night. We were hoping he’d go right down so we could relax in the hot tub for our anniversary, but Roan had other plans. I think he 1) slept in the car so much it threw him off and 2) he was in a new place and wanted to explore.

The next day, we went to the reception location (ski lodge) and helped decorate and set up. Plus, Roan needed to nap. So we went back to the room and all 3 of us took a glorious nap! It felt amazing!

After we woke up, we took Roan to the pool for the very first time! He was a little unsure of what to think at first, but after a while, he was smiling and loving it. 

Another baby came in to the pool, too. Turns out the grandparents are friends of my aunt & uncle and were in town for the wedding! Their granddaughter, Anya, is a month older than Roan. He was smiling at her like none other! Her mom & I were talking and she had a c-section, too. She wanted a home birth, but Anya was transverse and could not be flipped.  Anyway, it was her first time swimming, too, and she also enjoyed it.

Then my uncle Jaa and aunt Jody (and their 3 kiddos) arrived, so they hung out at the pool for a little. It was so nice to see them! They live in Fort Wayne, so we don’t see them much.

The rehearsal was at 6pm and dinner followed.
Then…the wedding day!

Our hair appointments were at 9am. It took longer than we thought, but everyone’s hair turned out wonderfully! After that, we went to my aunts to grab a quick bite. A friend of the family had brought stuff for mimosas, two quiches, chocolate covered strawberries, breakfast potatoes, chocolate scones, and…I think that’s it. What an awesome, perfect wedding day breakfast! I pigged out! I didn’t want to be starving later.

After that, it was on to the church to get ready! Again, I’m so glad I ate a lot at my aunt’s house because the wedding started at 3pm and it wasn’t until the reception that I ate again (well, I brought snacks with me).

The ceremony was gorgeous! Lots of burlap, baby’s breath, and tule. Simply elegant. And most of the music for the ceremony was from Pride and Prejudice (with Kiera Knightly)! Chels…I must say I was envious of how gorgeous it all was! If I could do my wedding over, decoration-wise, I would have done that.

The weather in Marquette is more bipolar than Lansing! It was reasonably warm the morning of the wedding, but by the time we were doing pictures after the ceremony, it was freezing cold! The photographer was taking a picture of all of us holding our bouquets in a circle and we were all quivering from the cold!

The reception was a blast! I think it’s best to show that in pictures:
I took a lot of pictures of my mom and Roan. Two of my most favoritest people.
We left a little early from the reception, hoping we could get Roan down so we could get our hot tub time in, but again, the stinker had other plants. So that was a bust. He didn’t go to bed until 11ish!

The next morning, the family all got together for breakfast at 9am. We woke up at 8:15 (didn’t set an alarm), so Sean fed Roan while I began to pack. Miraculously, we got everything packed, kid fed and changed, and checked out by 9am! The restaurant was literally 2 minutes away. Again, I ate more than I should, but the diet starts over strictly on Tuesday! I have another bridesmaid dress to fit into!

Roan was pretty sleepy towards the end of breakfast, so we took him back to my parents’ room to nap. I worked on pictures, though, since I wasn’t that tired.

When he woke up, we went to my aunt & uncle’s to watch Richard and Chelsea open up gifts and hang out with family before we had to leave. We were on the road by 3:15ish.

I drove the first leg…from Marquette to the bridge…then Sean finished the rest. Roan actually slept the whole way once we crossed the bridge! We made it home about 15 minutes after midnight.

What a perfect weekend!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Standing Up Like a Big, Big Boy!

I feel like walking is right around the corner!

It started with pulling himself up and choosing to stand on his own. A little later, he was standing on his own and took a small step towards me right before falling into my arms!

I'm one proud momma. And he gets as excited about it as I do. One time, I let go of him so he was standing on his own and he started laughing!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

It's crazy to think that last Mother's Day, I was anxiously waiting to have my baby...though I had a long ways to go! This year, I woke up to his big smile while my mom was feeding him. I'm in awe of how big my "peanut" is getting! He really is starting to feel less like a baby and more like a toddler. He amazes me every day.

But I'm not going to blog about myself and Roan today.

One thing that's been bothering me since I became a mom...and it breaks my how much moms tear each other down. Some of it I've experienced myself and some of it I've heard about through a second or third party. It can be as simple as a disapproving glare or flat-out harsh words. Yes, sometimes that is warranted. But often it is not.

I've seen and heard this done on both sides of issues such as breastfeeding. Moms disapproving of other moms going straight to formula. Moms disapproving of other moms breastfeeding their children that they feel are too old. Yes, science shows breast milk is best for babies...yes we could argue and debate all day long about that issue. But some moms, like myself, honestly tried their very hardest to make breastfeeding work and, despite all our best efforts, it didn't work out. So guilt, shame, and all those emotions come flooding in...then to turn around and have a mom "friend" make you feel worse is like pouring salt on the wound.

And let me just say it now...that should not be.

I've been made to feel guilty for being induced at 41 weeks instead of 42. Of course, I wondered if I would have had a c-section if I weren't induced...if it was my fault that I had a c-section...if the fibroid that was blocking the birth canal wouldn't have been there if I wasn't induced (though I'm 99% sure it was there before as I had a "sizable" fibroid that showed up on an ultrasound at 8 weeks). But then I remember my OB's words: "There's no way he was gonna come out on his own."

Yes, I was induced. Yes, I had an epidural. Yes, I ultimately had a c-section. And yes, I was only able to breastfeed my son for 3 months. Yes, I work full-time and yes, my son goes to daycare.

Does that make me a bad mother? NO. I refuse to let anyone tell me that or make me believe that. Roan is healthy and making strides daily. There is not a single area where I feel he is lagging or not developing like he should. And even if he was, who's to say it was because of any of those things?

This issue especially bothers me when it is "Christian" mothers who are dishing out the condescension and head-shaking.

If you are a mom and claim to be a Christian, I urge you to read Scripture and ponder it good and hard. Especially if you feel the Holy Spirit convicting you. James talks a lot about our words (tongue) and the damage it can do.

1 Corinthians 10:23-24 “’All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build upLet no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.
It may be your lawful "right" to voice your opinion about parenting issues, but consider whether or not your words will build up your sister in Christ. Or, furthermore, if it's a non-believing mom, even more reason to think before you speak! We are Christ's ambassadors. Often how people view Christ and the church depends on us. People are listening to us and watching us.

Noel Heikkinen did a great series at Riverview called How to Kill a Church (<- link: drop down menu at the top can take you to it) and one of the things he talked about was how we can cause dissention in the church with our words and how damaging that is.

God does not want us to tear each other down. If it's not a salvation issue, it's not worth ripping someone apart. If it is "not beyond what is written", then we should not be pouring salt on each others already-bleeding wounds or offending each other.

So, moms...moms who work hard to do the best for their families on a daily basis...let's support one another and lift each other up rather than slap each other in the face. Think before you speak. Offer a hug or encouraging words instead of disapproval. And have a very Happy Mother's Day!