Friday, September 7, 2012

Big Boy Car Seat!

Well, we bought Roan a big-boy car steat!

He looks SO big in it! *sniffle*

The only thing is it is a pain to install (neither of our cars have latches, unfortunately). So it looks like we'll be buying a second one for Sean's car. There's one night during the week when Sean's sister watches Roan because he has band practice & I have class...Sean's practice usually is over before my class is, so he picks Roan up. Switching this thing to and from our cars would just be craziness. The plus side is, the price tag isn't as high as most of the convertible car seats out there. And it converts to a booster seat, which fits up to 100lbs, so we basically won't have to buy another car seat after this.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Little Update

It's been an eventful, and also uneventful, few weeks around here.

Sean is done with turnover! Yesssss! This turn went by a little faster because I was babysitting Quin, but turn is turn. It's not fun for him or me.

I started classes on the 23rd. I'm taking Integrated Science for Education I, U.S. History to 1877, and Math 105. My science class is pretty intense. It's going to be a lot of work. Instead of a final, we have a huge project due. We can either basically do a science fair experiment or do some teaching and observing in an elementary classroom. Though the science fair one would be less time consuming, I'm choosing to do the classroom one.

The best part about this semester: my science book was about $25 because I rented the Kindle Fire version (best Christmas gift so far, mom, for this reason!). I also had a course pack I needed to buy that was also $25. My history book was $7 because the instructor said the edition didn't matter. And no book necessary for math! I originally tried to buy the ebook version of my science book, which was going to be about $60, but the software McGraw-Hill uses is ridiculous, so I got a refund and went with renting it on my Kindle. Much cheaper, much easier. I seriously lucked out this semester!

Roan has been going through another separation anxiety phase. He screams when we put him in his crib. He only screams for a second or two, cries for a few minutes (like 2-3) at the most, and then he's out. Prior to this, however, he was going down without a peep.

Sean's brother has been watching him while I'm in science on Monday and Wednesdays. Roan seems to be handling it ok when I leave then, but if Sean is home and I leave, he cries. If Sean leaves and I'm home, he cries a little, too.

It's weird, I almost feel more guilt being a full-time student than when I was working. Even though I'm spending more time with him than when I was working, I feel less "here" when I'm home because I'm studying, doing my homework, etc. His little bouts of separation anxiety aren't helping either...I might actually be ok if it weren't for that.

He's had this heat rash that just won't go away. It looks best first thing in the morning...after we've had the a/c set to 75 instead of 78 all night...and I've been putting corn starch on it before bed. I even noticed a patch of it on the fold of his elbow on his right arm - which is exactly where mine always pops up. Sorry for passing that on to you, buddy.! He loves playing with the curtains. I've had to tie them up & away so he doesn't pull the curtain rod out of the wall! Oh, and his hair is kinda driving me nuts right now but I want it long for fall & winter. Until he's able to sit still more, I'm not cutting his hair on my own again haha.

Future heart-breaker right here.

Lastly, we are loving cloth diapering! I seem to go through spurts where I slack on it for a few days...the clean diapers will be in the basement, air-drying, and I just don't get around to stuffing them. Usually this happens when we have a lot going on & we're out of the house, but I try to keep him in cloth when we're home. It's so much better financially and it's not as hard as I thought it was gonna be. I highly recommend cloth!