Thursday, November 28, 2013

First Night in a Big Boy Bed

The last time we visited my family, we realized Roan was outgrowing the pack 'n play. Not only was he too long for it, but he could easily get out of it if he was determined enough. He can get out of big boy beds if he wants, too, but at least he's not all scrunched up. My mom bought him this bed:
How is that adult in the bed without it falling apart?!
It started out a little rough. I did the usual bathroom routine: bath, stories, sing a few songs, bed. But after the stories, when I turned off the light, he started to cry.

I climbed in the bed with him and sang Amazing Grace over...and over...and over. He started yawning and rubbing his eyes and I was hopeful! I tried climbing out of the bed which caused the front part of the bed fell off. I was trying to fix it while still singing Amazing Grace in an attempt to not disturb his journey to dream-land. Sean came in the room (because I had been upstairs so long) and went to get my dad. He had to turn the light on, but we were able to get the bed back together. Then Sean took over.

Sean didn't sing anymore songs, he just said "Are you ready to sleep in the fire engine bed?"
"And are you going to stay in the fire engine bed?"

And he did! The whole night!

Roan woke up at around 7am (Sean and I were still asleep), went downstairs, walked into my parent's bedroom and simply said "Where is everybody?"

Either the door was not closed all the way when I went to check on him (the more likely scenario) or he figured out how to open the door (doubtful).

I cannot believe he slept through the night in his big boy bed! And the fact that he just went downstairs, walked into my parent's room, and asked where everyone was without first stopping to get in to!

So thankful for my little-big-man!