Friday, July 12, 2013

Big Boy is TWO!

It's both hard and not hard to believe Roan is two. He continues to amaze us on an almost daily basis, haha. For example:
  • After our last visit to see my family, or shortly after we came home, every time I would go get him out of his crib or any other situation where I would say "Hi buddy!" he would say "Hi bubby!" and would continue saying it until I said it back. Then he would say "Jus wike gamma Bibi!" I thought maybe he was saying something about how I looked like grandma Bibi. Today it dawned on me...I wonder if my mom says "Hi bubby!" to him... I'd never really paid attention. So I called her. Yep, she says "Hi bubby!"
  • A few weeks ago, Icona Pop "I Love It" came on the radio in the car. I was being goofy, singing loud, etc. The chorus says "I don't care...I love it" for those that don't know the song. Anyway, we get home and about 10 minutes later he say "I don't ca-ya. I yuff it!" Also, he really likes "Stompa" by Serena Ryder (yes, I sometimes listen to Top 40 radio in the car, shush). 
  • He often mimics accents in songs on TV, as with "I don't ca-ya". One evening he was watching a kid's show (Poppy Cat?) where one of the characters' name is Tiger. With a British accent, it sounds like Tiga. They said something like "Let's look lata, Tiga." and Roan said "Yay-ta Tiga!" 
  • This conversation:
    Roan: "Some-ping scary."
    Me: "Is there something scary? What do we do when we feel scared?"
    Roan: "Cwose eyes, fink some-ping happy!"
    (This is from a Daniel Tiger episode.)
I'm sure there are more examples I could give, but that's about all my brain can muster at this point. 

I missed his 2 year checkup (oops), but scheduled an appointment to talk about his vomiting episodes. Every 3-4 months he has a day of throwing up every 15-20 minutes, starting in the morning, usually tapering off around lunch time, little sips of Pedialyte every 20 minutes so long as he doesn't throw up, he sleeps, then we gradually introduce BRAT foods. He's usually back to normal by evening/dinner time and 100% better the next day. No other symptoms, no fever. Just lethargic and throwing up. 

The doctor basically said it sounds like cyclical vomiting syndrome. Basically sounds like IBS..."We don't know what this really is, so here's a name for it." Thankfully, there is something that can somewhat be done for CVS. The doctor prescribed Zofran and recommended we give him that and a dose of Tylenol the next time it happens. He made it sound like it could be related to migraines, but I thoroughly don't believe he has migraines. I have the Zofran on-hand for next time. We'll see what happens in 3-4 months. The doctor would also like to see him after the next "episode". 

I took some 2 year pictures the other morning. Just a quick shoot behind our house. It's too much of a challenge to take him to a park or something and do this by myself, haha. Besides, I took his 1 year pictures behind our house, so I felt it was kind of fitting.

Closest thing I could get to a smile!

See, now, people make the comment all the time: "He's a photographer's son, he must do so well looking at the camera and smiling!" Nope. Exactly the opposite. I get behind the camera and he doesn't listen to me at all. I have discovered asking him what color my phone or camera is...or telling him there's a bumble bee on my camera...or a squirrel...those tricks work at first. At first. 

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