Monday, May 9, 2011

32 weeks!

This past weekend was quite crazy. My youngest brother is married! The wedding was Saturday. I love my brother...and new sister-in-law! it was a blast for sure.

I saw a lot of people at the wedding that I hadn't seen in a very long time. It was sooo great to see all of them! Of course, I got lots of comments on my belly & how big I am (which is fine), haha. The general consensus is that I look like I should be due sooner than I am...or that I'm carrying multiples! Hahaha.

So, my bump picture was actually taken Sunday...Saturday was just too crazy.

I look quite "scruffy", haha. We'd just gotten back from Indiana only a few hours before this was taken.
Size of baby: Should be something like 16 inches and about 4lbs. I don't know Roan's exact measurements at this point. People keep asking (anticipating him to be measuring big, I assume, haha).
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Dare I say? 29lbs. My OB says that's well within the normal range...but I can't help but cringe when I think about it!
Maternity Clothes: Basically all maternity. Definitely all pants are maternity by this point. There are very few shirts that fit anymore (they don't cover the belly!)
Movement: Oh he's a mover, that's for sure! He squirms a lot more than kicks now. Oh and he's definitely started to push on my ribs!
Sleep: Sleep is about the same for me. I really don't have much trouble sleeping at all.
What I miss: I can sum it all up by saying that I simply miss being comfortable! The degree of discomfort varies, but I have to change seats a lot or get up and walk around for a bit, etc. 
Cravings: Same as always. Love fruit. My sweet tooth seems to have gotten worse, haha.
Symptoms: All the typical pregnancy symptoms except I haven't started swelling yet. Maybe I'll be lucky and bypass that one?
Baby's position: Adding a new category :) I feel fingers pretty low (which is such a weird, but awesome, thing!), so I think he pretty much alternates between head down and transverse (sideways). Sometimes I feel movement/kicks on the lower right side of my tummy, leading me to think he's laying sideways. But then I'll feel movement up top (along with the fingers down low), leading me to think he's head-down at that moment. 
Best Moment this week: I'd have to pick the whole weekend. My cousins Chelsea and Hannah got to feel Roan move...Sean got to see BIG movement...I got to see lots of family that I barely see & friends I haven't seen in years. Not to mention how happy I am for my brother and his new bride :) Baby shower #1 is this Friday!! WOW!

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