Tuesday, May 31, 2011

35 weeks...& photos of nursery!

I think I'm going to start doing weekly updates as it's getting closer now. My next appointment is June 8th and I believe after that I'll have weekly appointments, so I'll potentially have more info to update with.

Ok, so...35 week photo. Mirror shot this time (and since it's a mirror shot, I flipped it).
Yep...ALL belly! (Really, I'm basically 35.5 weeks...)

Size of baby: According to the web, about 18 inches and about 6lbs, give or take. I always measure in the normal range...at every appointment. So no, I don't know if he's gonna be a big baby.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: You know, I think I might skip this category from now on. My OB always says I'm in the normal range, so I might stop trying to keep track of it.

Movement: He's active off and on. I have to confess that movement is the #1 thing I worry about, so I could use prayer in that department. It's so hard not to worry about it and obsess about whether or not he's moving enough! I feel lots of stretching...mostly pushing into my ribs.

Sleep: Still not a huge issue, but it's no cake walk either. I have to sleep on the couch now. Sleeping on my side = waking up with bad hip pain. So I sleep sort of in a reclined position, propped up with a bunch of pillows.

Symptoms: Here goes...heartburn, back pain, joint pain in general, Charlie horses, cramps in the arches of my feet, still some fatigue, moodiness, pelvic pressure, tail-bone hurts, and now nausea (to name the non-TMI ones). Seems like a mild form of that first trimester morning sickness is back. Nesting has kicked in, but I don't think I'll really be able to do too much until school is out (June 15th). I'm not as tired as I used to be, but I'm still pretty wiped out by the time I get home from work.

Baby's position: Head down. I think he might be posterior (his back is facing my spine)...which could mean back labor.
Best Moment this week: Yesterday for Memorial Day, we had a cookout with Sean's dad, siblings + their significant others, and our 3 year old nephew. After eating, Roan was moving a ton, specifically on the right side of my tummy. So I had Sean put his hand there and he felt him move :) That's the 2nd time this whole pregnancy! Usually whenever Sean tries to feel him, Roan gets shy & stops moving. I love it when Sean can feel him :)

Aaaaand nursery photos!

I know a lot of people participated in painting the letters at my shower, so I thought they would want to see them in the room :) I didn't have enough room for his middle name on the shelves. I still have those letters in the closet cause they could still be used in the future. 
Soon we'll have a hamper next to the dresser/changing table...once I get around to ordering it. 

I made the artwork above the changing table. I copied things I liked online. Way cheaper than buying prints off Etsy! The one on the far left says "I am a child of God" and the blue one is a big bird + a baby bird and it says "Mon petit" - translation: My little one.

His closet :) All his clothes are in the dresser...and there's still plenty of room in there! It's quite a spacious dresser.

The clock doesn't have batteries in it yet. I might wait till he comes home to do that...don't want to waste the batteries now. 

My mom bought this for my nursery when I was a baby :) Now it's in Roan's nursery and hopefully someday it will be in our grandchild's nursery.

That's it for week 35!


Jen Craft said...

Sooo wonderful! Thank you for sharing. It looks like you are well-prepared and everything is going along smoothly. I'm so happy for you guys that Sean got to really sense Roan moving on Monday!
- Jen

Mikenna said...

Thank you, Jen! Hope you guys are doing well & the school year finishes strong for you!