Sunday, January 15, 2012

Half A Year!

How Roan is Doing...

I can't believe Roan is half a year old!

We've been saying for a while now that we think he's teething. I still think he is. About a week before he turned 6 months old, he started having trouble sleeping...naps and bedtime became a struggle. The same thing happened at daycare, too. Actually, it kinda started when he started daycare. He had that cold...he literally got over it right before his first day at daycare. It just feels like he's been a little "off" since that cold started. He's still happy 90% of the time, though! Really, if he is teething, then it's not all that bad.

He "talks" a lot! Mostly "Ba-ba-ba-ba...da-da-da-da..." I keep trying to get him to say "Ma-ma-ma-ma", but he's not catching on, haha. He will someday, I know. 

How Mom is Doing...

I've joined Weight Watchers. I was trying to just "eat healthy", but WW has shown me that the things I was eating I thought were healthy...really weren't. Actually, most of it is portion size. Most days, I've been under my point goal (not by a lot, but still)...not because I'm starving myself, but I try to eat as little points as possible during the day, so I can snack more if I'm hungry in the evening (though I have limited my snacking before bed).

It was hard at first, but I've actually noticed a slight decrease in appetite...or maybe it's just that I'm more satisfied since I'm eating better? And drinking more water; that helps.

In sadder news, I think I'm getting carpel tunnel...which will severely limit, if not destroy, my crocheting.
How Dad is Doing...

Work has been slow, so he's been getting things done around the house. Roan went to daycare for half the day most days last week.

He's also picked up another guitar student...that makes 2 right now. It makes for a long Tuesday night without him, but the money helps.

Sean said he doesn't mind me only cooking WW meals. He wants to eat healthier anyway. That definitely makes the meal planning easier for me! Though a lot of the recipes I've tried so far are smaller, so I may have to double some of them in the future.

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