Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Poor Little Sicky Bean

How Roan is Doing...

You can just see in his face that he wasn't feeling well.
Our Keane-y Bean has been sick. Thankfully, he seems worlds better today, so it looks like this thing was short-lived.

While I've enjoyed my 2 days off work home with him, I haven't enjoyed that he's been sick. He has been a little more fussy, but nothing unbearable. I feel like I have more patience for fussiness when he's sick. Plus, I still think he's teething, and that helps my patience, too. Poor guy can't help it! I know how bad a tooth ache hurts for an adult...let alone being an infant who can't speak yet!

How Mom is Doing...

4lbs down thanks to Weight Watchers! Not bad for my first 2 weeks. I haven't been working out, though because my inhaler ran out and I have to figure out how to get one. I did realize that I can still do yoga, though...it's the cardio & stuff that gets you moving that makes me have an attack. I'm not gonna lie, I've been putting off doing yoga. I've got to tonight or sometime today! It's hard to find the time because I have to do it when Sean is either not home or asleep because I use the Kinect to do it...and Roan has to either be asleep or right after a feeding (so hopefully he won't get fussy 5 minutes into my workout).

How Dad is Doing...
Yes, Roan is under that blanket...it wasn't over his face for long :) Plus, Rosie was supervising. 
Work has picked up again for Sean...for this week, anyway. He worked something like 4 or 5 days in two weeks. Not so good. It would have been kinda nice for Roan to get sick one of those weeks so I didn't have to use up sick time...but this is what sick time is for (well, one reason); that's why I didn't use any sick time during my leave.

We went to a friend's house this past Saturday for a birthday party. I knew about it for a while, but it was a last-minute thing for Sean. The girls surprised my friend Kristen at PF Changs and then everyone (husbands included) went to her & her husband's house for drinks and dessert. It was nice to get out and be around adults in a non-work setting! I think Sean needed it more than me. We've been fortunate enough to have family to watch Roan pretty much whenever we need someone...we haven't had a problem yet. We're so grateful :)

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