Saturday, April 21, 2012

9 Month Checkup

So Roan had his 9 month checkup on the 18th but I've been too sick and busy to blog about it. I'll touch on that later.

How Roan is Doing...

So, the stats for Roan's 9 month checkup are:

Weight: 20lbs 5oz (44th percentile)
Length: 28 inches (46th percentile)
Head: 46 1/4 cm (75th percentile) - last time his head was in the 86th or something like that.
And no shots this time!

He's mostly wearing 9 month clothes. Anything that's 6-9 is a tad too small. I have a feeling we'll be moving on to 12 month clothes soon.

Tooth #3 has broken through and it seems like tooth #4 is on it's way, too. His top right tooth is one that's definitely there. There seems to be a white spot next to it that looks like it might be the other tooth coming through. Either that or he's got some sort of sore...though that seems unlikely to me. He has been slightly cranky (though not unbearable) and is definitely a drool factory! But he still sleeps through the night, so we're pretty dang blessed there. I'm not counting on that being the case his whole life, but he's been sleeping through the night since he was 2.5 months old. Thanks for that one, buddy!!

He loves to stand up and definitely wants to walk. When I stand him up and hold his hands to help him walk, he always tries to pull his hands away. He doesn't seem to understand yet that he'll face-plant if I let go! He so desperately wants to be independent.

How Mom & Dad are Doing...

Well, as many know, I haven't been feeling well. I did a detox diet for about a week (ok, so more like 5 days) where I was only eating fruit and veggies. Ever since I've stopped it, I've had intense pain in my abdomen and back. It seems to hit hardest after I eat. I won't go into the other gross details, but basically, I know there is something very wrong with my digestive system. The problem is, we don't have health insurance. Roan is covered under Medicaid, but currently, Sean and I aren't. We were on the Ingham Health Plan but I was taken off it when I was pregnant and apparently Sean was taken off it in July. It really only covers the basics, so it won't help with the situation I'm in now (needing tests, a specialist, etc).

We applied for Medicaid & a social worker told Sean that we should qualify because our son has it. Somehow no one ever told us that before. I'm really hoping we do get it because my quality of life is affected daily and the pain is getting worse and more frequent. I went to Urgent Care and all the doctor said he could do is push on my tummy to see if it wasn't my appendix, gallbladder, etc. All that appears to be fine. My worst fear was a bowl blockage as I know those can be extremely dangerous if not treated.

I had to leave work early a few days, but since I had to be at the zoo with 3rd graders all last week, I chose to push through the pain. The doctor at Urgent Care prescribed Bentyl but I didn't get that until Thursday night. And really, it doesn't seem to be helping. It's really frustrating because since Sean is basically self-employed, he obviously doesn't get health benefits. And while I work full-time, I don't get any either because there are simply too many paras in the district for them to offer it. In the past when we've applied for Medicaid (pre-Roan), we were denied because we made just enough money to not qualify. So that's awesome.

Sean has been working as usual. Work, guitar practice, and guitar lessons. He has seriously been the best husband and dad ever, taking care of Roan pretty much all the time since I've been feeling so bad.

Our neighborhood is having yard sales coming up pretty soon, which I am very happy about because we have some stuff to get rid of! And also things to look for, haha. At least we now have a kitchen table for Roan to eat at! Let's be honest, Sean and I will still eat sitting on the couch until that becomes inconvenient because of the dog and/or Roan :). But the table is perfect for us because the sides drop down so it doesn't take up a lot of space unless we need it to. Just gotta find 2 more chairs, but that's not an immediate need.

Right now, I'm not in pain, which I feel like celebrating. Maybe I can actually help take care of my kid today.

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