Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Photo Contests, Bed Time, Baby Gates and "GO!"

How Roan is Doing...

I entered one of Roan's pictures in a photo contest (<--click for link) on Zulily. You can vote once a day ;) His photo could end up on the sign in/log in page! If you're not aware of Zulily & want an invite (not that you need one to sign up), let me know...I get $15 with your first purchase. So much good stuff on there!

Bed time is going a lot better! I think being rocked to bed is getting uncomfortable for him, so we rock him for a few minutes (till he winds down), then lay him down. He might "cry" for 30 seconds or so; usually by the time we're halfway down the stairs, he's stopped. I do love rocking him and snuggling with him...I'm going to miss it. But I also don't want bed time to take an hour.

We installed a few baby gates. One near the stairs (thanks Joel & Alaina W!) and one to block off the kitchen and dining room. The only remaining issue is the vent on the floor. We really need to get a new cover for it because it's way too easy for his little fingers to get stuck in there.

This was the almost-81'' opening we had to block off! Love this gate!

I have a reusable Target bag stuffed behind the tv so he can't get to the wires, too.

We missed Roan's appointment. I totally forgot about it. So it's rescheduled for the 18th. Oops.

Still army-crawling like mad & he's really close to pulling himself up on things! While visiting my family in Fort Wayne, my mom was holding him and Kimura (my brother's dog) walked up - she gets jealous - so my mom pointed and said "Kimura, go!" Roan then pointed and said "Guh!" He's done it many times since, but when I try to get him to do it to show other people, he just points. I'm trying to figure out if "Go!" counts has his first word, haha.

Roan sure loves his Rosie! While we were in Fort Wayne last weekend, Sean's dad took Rosie. So when he brought her home Sunday afternoon, Roan went nuts! I was holding him and he started kicking his feet and had the biggest smile ever! I wish we had video of it.

How Mom & Dad are Doing...

Well, I am on Spring Break and loving the time I get to spend with Roan! It's my goal to get stuff organized during the week, but we'll see how that goes, haha. I've decided to put the 28-Day Challenge on hold...or stop, actually. I did the week of detoxing, which was great. I think I need to detox 1 week a month. I'm going to try using a probiotic to help my digestion and if that doesn't work, I will try gluten-free & dairy-free. Really, I haven't been in pain like I used to in years. I think if I had Celiac, I would be in more pain. Plus, the Challenge was a lot of cooking; more than this working mom can handle.

Sean has had a few days off, so it's been nice to be home together. Monday night is date night (Bama watches Roan) and last night we went to Bennigans (grilled salmon...yum!) and rented a few movies from Redbox. I wanted to watch Like Crazy and he wanted to watch Drive. I fell asleep during Drive, but Like Crazy was disappointing. I loved the aesthetics of it...very well shot. But Sean and I talked at length about how poorly they did at making you think they were really in love. I mean, Hollywood's view and definition of love is much different than real-world love.

Well, I think the little man is ready for a nap.

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