Sunday, October 21, 2012

Roan at 15 Months

Roan had his 15 month check-up on Friday. He's still in the 60th percentile for everything :) Here are his stats:

Weight: 25.31lbs
Height: 31.5"

The doctor seemed impressed with his vocabulary (after Roan said "trash" when he saw the trash can). He said "You must read to him a lot, I can tell." And yes, we do. More than ever before because he seriously loves his books. We've always read 3-4 books before bed time (well, at first it was more like 1 or 2). Now he wakes up from nap and bed time, walks over to the side of his crib that's closest to his books, and says "Booots! Pweeease!", which is his way of saying "Books"! So I will take him out of his crib and let him play with his books for a few minutes. He literally will cry when I take him to his changing table to change his diaper. And he'll be laying there, just in his diaper, saying "Up! Gee-dow!" because he wants to get down and play with his books! I love it. I just have to get his room fully toddler proofed so he can play in there while I get ready. He's never spent much time playing in his room before.

His owl blanket is still his best friend, haha. Which is what I intended. But since his molars started to come through (he has 1 so far), he just sucks and chews on the corners all day. And it will smell SO bad. Seriously, I have to wash it at least 2-3 times a week. I should do it more, but most days I'm too busy to do a load of laundry. And I have to do it when he's awake. Any time he falls or hurts himself, he inevitably cries for his owl...and usually wants to snuggle. Short-lived snuggles, but I'll take what I can get!

He's still Mr. Active I-want-to-climb-on-everything. I have a feeling he's going to be climbing out of his crib like I did when I was a toddler.

I'm working on making a video compilation of all the words he can say. But here's a list to start. Obviously he doesn't say most of these clear as day:

Wheel (what he calls fans, too)
Guitar ("tar")
Water (wa-er)
Be-bo (belly button)
No (working on getting him to say "yes" more)
Hot (plus he will blow on his food if it's hot, super cute)
Rock (like rock in the chair)
Horse/"neigh" (he says both, along with other animal sounds)
Bibi (my mom, grandma Bibi)
Bean (my dad, grandpa Dean...who may just be grandpa Bean haha)
Working on his aunt and uncle's names. Morgan is "Wen". He's pretty good at saying "Brent".
Hurt (though he hasn't used this to communicate pain yet)
Poop (trying to get him to tell us when he has a dirty diaper. I should really pick "poop" or "dirty" for this one and stick to it haha)
Nigh-nigh (for bed time)
All done (sounds like "atch")
Meijer. Yes, he knows how to say Meijer. The first time he said this, he was at aunt Chelsey's while I was in class. He saw a Meijer bag, pointed to it, and said "Meijer!" Since then, there have been a few times when he's walked over to the door and said "Meijer!" Haha!

I'm pretty sure there might be more. This is not intended to come across as bragging or anything of the sort. To reiterate, we have family that live far away & don't always see or hear Roan. This blog was created primarily for them.

Most of these he just says them when we ask him to...or if he hears us say it. The words he mainly uses to communicate are "Up", "Gee-dow", "Pweease", "More" (though I have to encourage this one), and "hot". Oh, and he'll say "Nigh-nigh." I think he's been trying to say that when he needs a diaper change...if he's saying it when it's not bed time or nap time...because we change his diapers in his room. He does say the other words at the appropriate time, but words like "hurt", he hasn't figured out how to use that to tell us when something hurts. I do still combine signing some of these words, but he's getting so good at talking, he doesn't really need signs all that much.

So, yes, quite the vocabulary. And he seems to be saying more and more every day.

He seriously amazes me. Last night, I introduced the moon to him. He's seen it before, but we've never just stood there and looked at it and talked about it. He was absolutely obsessed. We went back inside, but he kept going over to the back door saying "Moon! Moon! Sky! Bye!" until I took him outside again. Then this morning, on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, they were showing constellations and the first one was a circle. It was supposed to be the sun, but he said "moon", which I find a more plausible guess because the background was dark, like night, and the shape was made out of stars. So take that, Mickey.

His favorite tv show seems to be Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. We reserve that for when he's especially cranky. We do try to keep tv time to a minimum, but honestly, if it's not Daniel Tiger, he's only mildly interested. Most of the time, Daniel Tiger doesn't even hold his attention for a full episode.

Some may have seen on Facebook that my aunt and uncle are adopting a brother and sister from the Congo. They're leaving later this week to go get them! It's been...gosh, I don't even know how many years since they started the process. It's been a long time. I think it was two Thanksgiving's ago when they thought they'd have them by Christmas. But this Thanksgiving, they will  be there! I am SO excited! I will take lots of pictures of Roan playing with them!!

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