Monday, October 1, 2012

Weekend with Uncle Dave and Uncle Chris

I was in my best friend's wedding in Indianapolis last weekend. I was obviously excited when she asked me to be a bridesmaid for many reasons, but one of them was that we would get to at least visit, if not stay with, uncle Dave and uncle Chris (who live in Indy)!

We left Lansing at Roan's bed time on Thursday evening with hopes he'd sleep the whole way there (a 4 hr drive). And he did, for the most part, except when we stopped for gas (he fell back asleep quickly). Once we got to uncle Dave's, we let him wander a bit in what was going to be his bedroom for the weekend. They have plenty of guest rooms, so Sean and I had our own room, too. He went to bed pretty easily.

The next morning, I woke up around 8:30 I believe. Usually Roan is up by 8am at the latest...certainly eating by then. I didn't want his schedule to be too off, so I woke him up and he was eating by 9am. Uncle Dave and uncle Chris were at work, so we just hung around their house until I had to report for bridesmaid duty at 2pm. I don't know much about how the rest of his day went because it was busy, busy, busy for me!

The girls had their nails done at 2pm and carpooled to the rehearsal where we changed into our formal-ish attire. Immediately after that was the rehearsal dinner and we didn't get home until around 10/10:30. We were told that Roan behaved really well, despite having a short nap because he had to come with us to drop me off at the nail salon. We were also told that uncle Chris did most of the work...happily, I might add! From the sounds of it, Roan went to bed better than he would have for us!

We stayed up late talking to Dave and Chris, but Sean and Dave stayed up even later! I had to be at the hair salon at 8am the next morning, so I set two alarms...I slept through both and woke up at 7:30...10 minutes before we had to leave! Sean had been up until 5:30, so he was extremely out of it. Again, my day was jam packed so I didn't get back until 11:30ish (with Sean). The wedding was beautiful and I cried many times during the reception! Sean was home until the ceremony at 2pm, so he sent me a picture of Roan exploring in uncle Dave's huge yard (and I believe he watched uncle Chris feed the ducks in the creek behind their house). Again, uncle Chris didn't have a hard time at all putting him to bed! They had many funny stories to tell me/us, too.

Saturday night was my night to stay up late talking to uncle Dave...3:30am, to be exact! I could have slept in until at least 11, but we wanted to leave by 10am because we were stopping in Fort Wayne to see my family.

We arrived in Fort Wayne a little after noon. Roan slept a little in the car...until we had to stop for gas. After that, he watched Finding Nemo (we use the dvd player as a last resort). My dad's birthday was Sunday and we wanted to see grandma Berta because she recently had a hospital scare. Uncle Micah and aunt Drea as well as uncle Morgan and aunt Jessie came over, too, so he got to play with them. I must say, it warms my heart like nothing else to watch my brothers (and dad and mom) play with him. Of course, grandma Bibi had gotten Roan several new toys, haha. And she took us to Kohls and got Roan new clothes and got me some things I definitely didn't need but were much appreciated.

We left again at his bed time. He slept pretty much the whole way home (2 hours) and woke up at his usual 7:30am this morning. Back to his normal routine without a hitch! Here are some photos from the weekend:

Wanting to play with the piano.

Flamingos were ducks (aka "kaka" for "quack quack")

Lovin' the sock monkey chair.

Again, fascinated by the rubber ducks.

Also loved going up the stairs!

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