Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013

I was so happy when Sean agreed to go down to Fort Wayne for Easter! I was missing my family pretty bad and they were missing Roan pretty bad (the last time we saw them was Christmas).

The drive down went well, other than Roan not napping. I think the key is to not turn on any movies for him. He fell asleep after I turned the DVD off - about 15 minutes from my parent's house. Not without a significant amount of whining, of course.

My mom, sister-in-law, and I went to Kohls with Roan. My mom found a toy Toby (from Thomas and Friends) for like $6.00, which is pretty cheap for Thomas toys! She also got him a Thomas bath toy set (a boat that moves in the water and a little Thomas that sits in the boat).

We went out to eat Saturday evening to a place called 800 Degrees. It's really good food and decently priced. I recommend going there if you're ever in Fort Wayne, Indiana! The Hawiian pizza was my personal favorite and the mista (I think it's mista, not misto) salad was perfect. The waiter even brought out a little plate of carrots, halved grape tomatoes, cheese, and cucumbers for Roan (things they use on their salads). It was interesting keeping him occupied. We came prepared with a few small toys, his crayons, and a coloring book, but I still had to take him outside for a walk at one point and so did Sean. He loved playing in the rock bed outside.

Sunday, we went to church where I ran into a few people I hadn't seen in years. It really made me miss the friends I didn't run in to! We checked Roan in to the kids ministry and he did fine - we weren't paged (we never are at home either). He'd been a little cranky since his tummy was still recovering from his puke fest Thursday and Friday, so I was almost expecting to be paged. We came home and Roan got to have his Easter basket! He got a Thomas blanket, Thomas bubbles, bath crayons with a mirror thing to color on, Craisins, a light up Iron Man head (which is great because the button is easy for him to push), and some small stuff. Oh, and these toy cars:
He saw them in the closet and freaked out, so we actually gave them to him Saturday.

and this Thomas couch which was obviously too big for his basket:
Easter has basically turned into Christmas 2.0 in the eyes of Bibi and PePa!

He went down for a nap and family started showing up shortly after. We ate lunch (Roan was still napping which allowed me to eat!) and after his nap, Madi and Eli hid the eggs for the kids. By far the cutest Easter egg hunt I've ever witnessed!

"Come on, Grandma Bibi!"

She just melts my heart!

He made sure to push the eggs down well so there was room for more!

Dixie wanted to see if it was food. 

Looking at the eggs with Grandma Berta.

While showing Grandma Berta what he found, we discovered he loves Jelly Beans. Maybe he will be a candy lover, unlike his mamma and dadda (I much prefer fruit or baked goods).

The rest of the day was normal. Then came the not-so-fun part for us.

We decided to leave at Roan's bed time (8:30) and cross our fingers that he would fall asleep in the car. As soon as we start driving, the Xterra starts running rough. It was really jumpy/sputtery. Just not smooth. The check engine soon light was blinking as well. Sean stopped at a gas station (my parents live less than 10 minutes from the highway) and bought fuel system cleaner, suspecting it was a problem we've been told about before (I don't speak car so I can't explain). We headed towards the highway, which by that point was less than a minute away, and it still was not driving smoothly. Sean decided it wasn't safe, so we turned around and went back to my parent's house - much to their dismay, I'm sure :).

My cousin Dylan went with Sean to drop the car off at the mechanic's so they could get to it first thing the next morning. Overwhelmed and discouraged, predicting the repairs would cost a ridiculous amount of money that we don't have (only compounded by the fact that Sean was going to miss at least a day of work because of it), we tried to relax and went to bed...eventually.

So, basically, there's a whole mess of things wrong with our car. It essentially needs a 120,000-mile tune-up (it has over 180,000 miles on it). They said the car will be done by 4pm or 5pm and if that turns out to be the case, we will leave tonight at Roan's bed time again.

The silver lining is we get to spend more time with PePa Bean and Grandma Bibi. Also, I'm hoping we won't have any more major issues with our car after this for a good while. The mechanic we took it to is only 1 of 2 my dad trusts - they are kinda pricey, but fast and do the job right. So, fingers crossed we can keep the car out of the shop for a while...cause we seriously cannot take more car repairs.

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