Saturday, April 27, 2013

Warm weather fun!

I'm so glad the weather has been warmer around here! Looks like it'll be around till Tuesday-ish, too. I actually had to go buy a few pairs of shorts for Roan since he's basically in size 24 month clothes right now. I'm also glad the warm weather is here because it means I can wear dresses! My stomach has not been liking it when I wear jeans so I've been wearing sweatpants and elastic band clothing at home...not exactly something I want to wear to church. Yay dresses!

Every day that Sean has had off and the weather has been nice, we've gone and done something. The zoo, a park, something. Today we went to the park near a trail that Sean and I used to walk when we were dating.

A boy was practicing baseball. Roan loved watching! He said "So fast!" each time after he hit the ball.

Yes, my Roan, that is the sun!

Even his shadow is adorable. Also the only way to document that I was there ;)

He kept wanting to "see fishies!" Sadly there were none.
 It had been a while since we'd been on this trail...I actually don't even remember if we'd been back since Sean proposed in 2007! So here we are at the same spot he asked me to marry him...with our 5 year anniversary next month and an amazing little boy who blesses us immensely each day:

Aaaaand I'm the only one looking...
I went to Target to get more warm weather clothes for Roan and saw a super cute fedora. Actually, I'd seen them there before and each time I put one on Roan's head, he'd get a big smile on his face. There was only one left. I debated buying it for a good 3 minutes. Well, when I went to check out, the cashier noticed there wasn't a price tag. I couldn't remember how much they were and neither could he. After thinking about it for a little bit, he whispered "How does $2.99 sound?" I enthusiastically said "That sounds awesome!"

God bless that dear cashier!

And when I showed it to Roan at home, he said "My hat!" and instantly put it on.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

How nice for you to have such a beautiful family day, and the fedora looks great on that little man. And five years for you all wow where does that time go. So happy for you. Love Nana