Monday, May 6, 2013

The Day I Thought Roan Broke His Finger

One day I'm probably going to have a blog post titled: "The Day Roan Actually Broke His Finger", I just know it. Praise God today is not that day!

Roan got a water table and a little slide today (thanks to my mom!). I finished putting the slide together for a second time (I had to exchange it because the first one had a defective screw - the very last screw I had to put in!) and I decided to take the water table and slide outside so he could play. I took the table out, trying to hurry before he got to the screen door. He must have made it just in time to get his left ring finger caught in the door - where it hinges to the door frame.

Once I reached him and looked at his finger, it looked least from what I could tell because he was naturally pulling his hand away. Later I realized this was because his little fingers are so chubby, the dent created by the door gave this appearance.

Sheer panic set in. I actually said out loud "Oh, God, please don't let it be broken. I think it's broken. Is it broken?"

Sean was still at work, so I ran through the house and out the front door. My neighbor, Bambi, wasn't home - I didn't see her car. My neighbors Angi and Candie (and Tara) were home and I frantically knocked on their door. First, I felt like I first needed another adult's opinion (preferably a mom) on whether or not it was broken. Second, if it was broken, I knew I was going to need someone else to drive because otherwise I would end up with a speeding ticket for going 90mph to the hospital.

They grabbed an ice pack, which Roan didn't like, and as his finger started to normalize, I realized it wasn't broken. He was also moving it pretty well and was reasonable about letting me touch it in that he didn't scream when I would try. I also realized that the screen door didn't slam shut on wasn't like a car door. I realized it would likely take a lot more than that to break his finger.

I immediately felt silly. He was still obviously in pain, though. I took him back home and turned on tv. I think he needed the distraction and it was his first time at Angi and Candie's so there was the new place factor. Praise Jesus, though - Thomas was on Sprout! But that only served to distract him a little bit. He would be ok for a few seconds, then start crying again.

I thought I could kill two birds with one stone by taking him back outside to play with the water table, which had very, very cold water in it (I thought that could help reduce the swelling). He was successfully distracted and did not want to go inside for dinner.

His finger still looks swollen and slightly red. But after a while, he was back to his cute, funny, silly self. He ate dinner like a champ (scarfed down the artichoke pesto chicken!) and though he's currently still gabbing away in his crib, I'm betting he's gonna sleep like a rock.

I know I'm a total first-time mom - today proved it. Sean wasn't home to keep me level headed, so my brain just ran with the broken-finger scenario. The important thing is I learned from this, haha. I learned to wait a few minutes before panicking and nearly dialing 911. I learned I'm not as level-headed as I think I am when it comes to my son being injured. I know he wouldn't have died if his finger was broken; it was just an instinctual "My baby is hurt and I - or someone with the knowledge and training required - needs to make it better as soon as humanly possible."

I learned to put things in perspective a little more. When I had him outside and he was splashing in the water table, I felt the urge to supervise him closely to minimize how wet he would get (not keep him from getting wet at all, just minimize). Wait, Kenna. It's a water table. And so what if he gets wet? I do not want to be a mom that is so concerned about neatness and tidiness that I prevent my son from being a kid and enjoying his childhood. So, yes, he was soaked 10 minutes before dinner, so he simply ate dinner in his diaper. He was content, I was content.

Also, I have amazing neighbors that I know I can go to any time for any thing and they will not judge me. They reassured me that they do not think I'm crazy...because I thought for sure they would! So for that, I am immensely grateful, too.

I know a day is coming when Roan will have a major injury. I grew up with two younger brothers, I know how that goes. Maybe that's why I panicked today. Regardless, I sure hope and pray that I am not alone when Roan has his first major injury. I felt helpless at the mere prospect of his finger being broken!

Now I'm going to relax and unwind from the adrenaline.

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