Monday, March 28, 2011

A Marvelous March Weekend!

Wow, what an eventful weekend! My mom came to visit. She paid for everything. Every meal, every shopping trip...including a pedicure for me and trip to Ikea! She had to leave Sunday morning...ugh, if only we didn't have jobs to get back to on Monday.

I'm overwhelmed by my mother's generosity. She always pays for everything - though I still try to fight her on it! Occasionally, I'll win & she'll let me pay for once...but it's very rare, haha. She's like that with everyone. One of the many things she's taught me is to have a servant's heart & to love like Jesus did...and being generous like that is only one of many ways to do that. I hope to pass that on to Roan and any other children God blesses us with. I love you so much, mom!

We made some major progress on the nursery Sunday! Or, I should say Sean made major progress on it...I only helped a little. I'm so thankful for him! He had to play guitar at chuch this weekend...meaning he had to wake up early Sunday morning. He came home and got to work on the nursery right away! Husband & dad-to-be-of-the-year right here:

Putting the curtains up.

Putting the chair together.

Putting the shelves up. He cut his thumb during our meal break and the band-aid was not sticking on very well...painter's tape to the rescue! Thankfully, his dad came over to see Rosie & helped Sean hang the second shelf.

He also put up the baskets next to the changing table. It's actually a magazine rack, but it's perfect for diapers, wipes, and other changing table items. Eventually there will be three 8x10 prints from Etsy above the changing table.

The finished product! Well, so far anyway. Tomorrow he's putting up the paper lantern in the corner near the shelves. Then all that will be left is the art above the changing table!

It's really starting to make this whole having-a-kid thing real! At one point Sean said "Just think of how little time we spend in this room now and how much time we're going to spend in this room." So true! 


justbeckyrapp said...

The room looks beautiful! I am so happy that it all looks so great! I love you and am so blessed by the time we got to spend together!!!

Charlotte Jean said...

I adore this room! It is lovely! Well done!