Saturday, April 16, 2011

Roan finally cooperated!

I've been feeling Roan's kicks since February-ish. Obviously, at first they couldn't be felt from the outside...they were just itty bitty kicks. But as they've gotten bigger, I've tried to get Sean to feel them, too. Yet every single time Sean puts his hand on my belly, Roan calms down and stops kicking. Sean would always say "I'll feel him eventually," but I was starting to doubt that!

Last night, we were watching a movie with Sean's dad, sister, brother, and nephew for his dad's birthday. Roan made quite a few big kicks, so I grabbed Sean's hand and put it on my belly. A few minutes later, there was a big kick! Sean said "Was that...?" and I said "Yeah! You finally felt him kick!" 29 weeks, haha.

My biggest issue is still my back. Especially the more my tummy grows. I try not to sit or stand for too long...moving around is key. With the exception of "my spot" on the couch. I can manage to hang out here without it hurting. Probably because I have a minimum of 5 pillows propping me up & my feet up on the couch. Although, I figured out that stacking 2 bean bags on top of each other & using the top one for back support helps at work. Kinda hard to really effectively do my job that way, haha.

We had maternity pictures taken last weekend while we were visiting my family. Here's a little preview:

It was great having them done. The weather cooperated really well! They predicted rain, but we never saw a sprinkle. It was cloudy, too...just right. I can't wait to see the rest!

I must say, too, it was really eye-opening for me to be on the other side of the camera for a maternity shoot!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

28 week update! Third trimester!!

So far, it's been a very good day! It's day one of the last trimester...yay!! We're having professional shots taken, but I still had Sean take my bump shot :)

Size of baby: Somewhere around 2lbs and 15 inches, according to the internet. I don't know Roan's exact measurements, though.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think I'm at about 18lbs gained? Eeek. And the internet tells me I'll probably gain at least 11lbs this least some of that is baby!
Maternity Clothes: Almost all maternity. I really can't get by with the Belly Band anymore, so pants/jeans for sure are maternity. And shirts...well, if they're regular shirts, they're definitely starting to not cover my belly so well anymore!
Movement: I often worry about movement, so the other day I decided to log every time  felt him move...I pretty much feel him all throughout the day. Whether it's kicks for 20 minutes or one kick at 2:30...then another at 2:45. I'm curious to see what today is like cause last night he quieted down at about 9pm or 10pm since he was active basically all day. Maaybe he'll actually have a good sleep schedule at birth!
Sleep: Sleep is definitely getting harder to do. Mostly thanks to my back...I get this tingly sensation under my ribs if my back isn't perfectly straight. Annoying.
What I miss: Not having constant back pain. I have to sit in just the right position with pillows propping me up...even then there's no guarantee. And if I'm at a restaurant for anything longer than 30-45 min, I wind up feeling so uncomfortable that I'm almost in tears. Not fun.
Cravings: Same ol', same ol'. I don't have very many cravings, I just really seem to like food! Fruit and Multi Grain Cheerios especially.
Symptoms: starting to get sciatic pain I think, heartburn, back pain, and pregnancy brain is getting worse! I'm noticing that getting up from the couch is becoming more of a challenge, too. 
Best Moment this week: I'll have to say today...good friends from our life group, Bryan and Dorelle, had their baby boy this morning! Also, we're having maternity pictures taken today :) Oh, and we're in my hometown visiting family cause my brother is getting married in May and their shower is today, too. Today is just a big ball of awesome :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Braxton Hicks and other things

I had Braxton Hicks on Saturday. It was pretty constant for about an hour, but the intensity ebbed and flowed. It certainly wasn't fun at all...pretty uncomfortable. 

This weekend is my brother (Morgan) & his fiancee's (Jessie) wedding shower/party. I can't wait to see my family! We'll see how I hold up on the 2 hour drive down :) I'm really just worried about my back....

While down there, I'm having my first maternity shoot done by the incredibly talented Morgan Trowbridge! On the day one of my 28th week of other words, I'll officially be in the third trimester. How perfect! I plan on having another shoot done by the also very talented Jim Lenon closer to my due date. I cannot believe I'm so close to the third tri!!!

I had the ever-so-fun glucose test done last week. The drink wasn't that bad at all. I kinda liked it actually (I had the red one). It tasted like Kool Aid. My sugar is normal, but my iron was low. I'm on supplements now. I don't think it's fully gotten into my system yet cause I'm still pretty tired...all the time.

I've also started to look more in depth into cloth diapering. I know I want to at least attempt it. All the different types of diapers is overwhelming for me. I don't think I want to start the cloth diapers immediately, though. I think I want to use Seventh Generation diapers for the first little while and then switch to cloth after a few months or so. My main concern with cloth is our's not the greatest. I mean, it cleans our clothes, I just don't know how it's gonna do with cloth diapers. If only we could afford those super awesome front loading washer & dryers!

I've been trying for several weeks now to get a good video of Roan kicking, but it just doesn't look the same on video. Plus, he gets shy when people try to watch or put their hand on my belly (side note: I don't mind if you put your hand on my belly...if I know you well enough. Asking beforehand is always nice, but generally, if we're friends, I don't care). However, he's a pretty active little guy! I still get nervous when I don't feel him moving, but he always ends up giving me a quick little reassuring kick :) I hope he knows his momma is a worrier...but I'm working on it. Always working on it!