Saturday, April 9, 2011

28 week update! Third trimester!!

So far, it's been a very good day! It's day one of the last trimester...yay!! We're having professional shots taken, but I still had Sean take my bump shot :)

Size of baby: Somewhere around 2lbs and 15 inches, according to the internet. I don't know Roan's exact measurements, though.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think I'm at about 18lbs gained? Eeek. And the internet tells me I'll probably gain at least 11lbs this least some of that is baby!
Maternity Clothes: Almost all maternity. I really can't get by with the Belly Band anymore, so pants/jeans for sure are maternity. And shirts...well, if they're regular shirts, they're definitely starting to not cover my belly so well anymore!
Movement: I often worry about movement, so the other day I decided to log every time  felt him move...I pretty much feel him all throughout the day. Whether it's kicks for 20 minutes or one kick at 2:30...then another at 2:45. I'm curious to see what today is like cause last night he quieted down at about 9pm or 10pm since he was active basically all day. Maaybe he'll actually have a good sleep schedule at birth!
Sleep: Sleep is definitely getting harder to do. Mostly thanks to my back...I get this tingly sensation under my ribs if my back isn't perfectly straight. Annoying.
What I miss: Not having constant back pain. I have to sit in just the right position with pillows propping me up...even then there's no guarantee. And if I'm at a restaurant for anything longer than 30-45 min, I wind up feeling so uncomfortable that I'm almost in tears. Not fun.
Cravings: Same ol', same ol'. I don't have very many cravings, I just really seem to like food! Fruit and Multi Grain Cheerios especially.
Symptoms: starting to get sciatic pain I think, heartburn, back pain, and pregnancy brain is getting worse! I'm noticing that getting up from the couch is becoming more of a challenge, too. 
Best Moment this week: I'll have to say today...good friends from our life group, Bryan and Dorelle, had their baby boy this morning! Also, we're having maternity pictures taken today :) Oh, and we're in my hometown visiting family cause my brother is getting married in May and their shower is today, too. Today is just a big ball of awesome :)

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