Saturday, July 2, 2011

40 weeks...D-Day

Well, I must say that due date days are anti-climactic. At least mine has been.

I wasn't/am not expecting him to come today. Something like 5% of babies come on their due date. My OB says that first babies usually come within a few days of it - either a few days before or a few days after. I'd always heard they're usually pretty late. I think it's just different for everyone & people try too hard to put statistics to things. The numbers give me no comfort; doesn't make this any easier or harder because I know our situation could be unique. He could come in a day or two...he could come in 5, 6, or 7 days. He could just not want to come out on his own for whatever reason & I may end up needing to be induced.

People always say "You won't be pregnant forever," and I do know that. I also watched a documentary about a lady (in some third-world country, I forget where) who was pregnant for something like 20-30 years? Something crazy. Basically, the baby never came & I believe due to lack of access to medical care, the baby died & just stayed in her body. They finally removed it decades later. That just goes to show you that sometimes babies do not/will not/cannot come out on their own & medical interventions are needed.

So...what to say? I still feel him moving around a lot, so that's good. He has slowed down overall, though...I hear that happens before labor, but it's been that way for about a week now.

As of my appointment this past Tuesday, he's dropped again. Which is also good. Still feeling nauseated, tail bone still hurts, sleeping is still difficult. The newest symptom: hot flashes. I don't know if that's because of being 40 weeks pregnant, but I don't know what else it could be. I have other things that I think are signs that it won't be too much longer. But being 40 weeks, it literally can't be too much longer.

Actually giving birth still feels so distant. I know I could go in to labor at any moment, but most of the time I still think like I'm 4 or 5 months pregnant. It just seems so far away. I'm still worried about losing him. Not even during labor....but before. I still have moments where I suddenly realize he's not moving & I try to remember the last time I felt him moving. Not that I want him moving 24/7 or anything...I'm just so ready to not worry about feeling movement.

So, I have an appointment on Wednesday where they'll do a NST (hook me up to monitors & watch his movements, heartbeat, etc) and a BPP (biophysical profile = ultrasound where they check his measurements and how much amniotic fluid is left). I'm guessing if those tests don't go well, my OB will want to get him out as soon as possible. And if he's showing signs of distress and/or there's not enough fluid, then obviously I'll want him out ASAP, too.

I way underestimated how hard the very end of pregnancy was gonna be. I was told all along that waiting those last few days is the hardest part...but there's no way to really understand how true that is until/unless you're there or have been there before.

This pretty much sums up how Sean and I feel right now:

Excuse my wet hair...
WAAAAIT! Happy news! I found the pack & play I wanted for $70 online! It's normally more than that...depending on where you order it from $110-$120 before shipping. But thanks to Zulily, after taxes & shipping, I got it for $70ish. So that was a nice pick-me-up! I was gonna wait to get it a few months after he's born, but with that price...I had to!

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