Thursday, July 21, 2011

Learning, growing, changing...

How Roan is doing:

First time on his play mat :) I don't think he liked it, but that's ok. I don't think we'll be using it again till he's a couple weeks older.
Roan is doing well! He weighed in at 8lbs 13oz - so he gained back his birth weight plus some! I think he has still a little bit of jaundice. The whites of his eyes are a tad yellow and the doctor prescribed vitamin D drops. Other than that, he's picture perfect! He's been sleeping just fine in the Arms Reach Co-Sleeper, too. I was worried about that. Still, he falls asleep easiest on Sean or I's chest. Not that we mind :) It's the best feeling in the world! Though it usually makes me sleepy, too, and next thing I know I've dozed off. I'm really trying not to do that!! (see photo below)

Oh, his cord fell off today! Yeah it was really gross, but I'm glad it's gone, haha.

How mom is doing:

Ok, 1) Really bad photo of me :-/  2) I know it's not safe; I didn't mean to fall asleep...and I really try not to do it.
Becoming a mom is proving to be the most challenging thing ever. Largely because my hormones are on the fritz. I realized that even though Roan is my son, we have to get to know each other. I thought everything would be 100% natural, no problem. But I've found that's not necessarily the case...parenting and caring for such a teeny person that only knows to communicate via crying is hard. On top of recovering from surgery. AND missing my husband so stinkin' much cause he works such long days.

Emotionally, I have my good moments and my not-so-good moments. I could go on and on about everything I feel, but I won't. I've gotta kinda keep an eye on myself for postpartum depression, though.

Physically, I feel pretty close to normal. My feet and legs are still swollen, but nothing like before! I have no pain or discomfort around the incision, for now at least. Stairs are no longer an issue (yay!) which means I can carry Roan up and down them. I just can't WAIT to be able to drive! Even though this heat is insane, I'll probably spread out errands...Meijer one day...Sam's the next, etc.

How dad is doing:

I can't really speak for him & what he's feeling. But I can brag about him! 

Sean went back to work on Monday...just 3 short days home with his son, then back at it. Turnover started today which means he'll be working crazy long days. I so desperately wish we had time to be a sit and stare at our son in awe. I know we will  be able to have those moments eventually...just not during turnover. 

Before Roan came along, Sean was admittedly a little scared and nervous around babies. He'd never changed a diaper in his life. But his fathering instincts kicked in immediately. It was just amazing watching him grow and automatically take on the role of "dad". And I have to say that made me fall in love with him deeper than I ever could have imagined!

As far as being a husband, that's another area where he has just been amazing. He's been so supportive. Whenever I've been an emotional basket case, he builds me up and assures me it's ok to be emotional. He helps me to come up with a game plan, which helps me to stay focused and not get lost in my emotions. I know this is the "babymoon" and it won't last forever, but I'm gonna soak it up while I can. And hopefully the things we're learning now about how to be a team will stick with us for the rest of our marriage.

So, that's how things are going right now with the Whites!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new layout! So glad Roan is doing well and is so healthy! It isn't easy, but you are doing a fantastic job!
--Julie (LIW)