Sunday, September 11, 2011

2 Months Old!

How Roan is Doing...

My big guy is 2 months old! It's crazy to me how much he's grown. He's still tiny (most of his newborn clothes still fit!), but to me he's big because I still am expecting to wake up in the morning to this 8lb just-born-baby. He's probably closer to 12lbs (he'll be weighed at his next appointment on the 20th...I have no idea how much he weighs). 

He's holding his head up pretty well now. Still a little wobbly. If he's laying on his Boppy and wants to be held, he'll lift his head & upper part of his torso up to try and get up! He's gonna be a mover, I just know it. He's gonna wear me out! But it'll help lose the rest of this baby weight, I hope! I really won't be surprised if he starts crawling early. I can just tell he wants to go, go, go! 

Due to supply issues (and running out of our frozen stash from when I was making milk like crazy), we've had to start supplementing with formula. It's hard knowing my body is no longer keeping up with his demand, but I can't let it ruin me. Ultimately, he's still being fed, and I'm still pumping to give him as much milk from me as possible...and I'm going to try to keep that up for as long as I can, too. I got the Earth's Best Organic Soy Based formula. I feel better about giving him that verses other brands. It's definitely pricey, but it's worth the peace of mind to me.

Here's a few more shots from his 2-month photo shoot:

How Mom is Doing...

He was watching the football game...just like his daddy.
My mom and grandma came to visit on Roan's 2 month birthday and we went shopping. So very therapeutic and definitely needed. I need clothes that fit, but also to just be able to take my time looking at clothes and trying them on instead of rushing in and out of stores so we could make it home in time for the next feeding was awesome! My mom bought me some cute stuff at TJMaxx and I treated myself to a super cute dress (that was cheaper than I thought!) and boots that I absolutely LOVE. They're similar to boots a friend of mine has that I have coveted for months, so when I saw these boots, I about jumped out of my skin with excitement! And they were on sale, too! Here's what they look like: 

I could easily develop a boot fetish, so I have to be careful. I already have an issue with purses...I don't need something else haha.

I'm also excited about a dress I got...and I'm thinkin' it'll look really cute with the boots! I think I just need to bite the bullet and try not to think about what size I am right now and just buy clothes. I just need some to hold me over. It was just really, really, really nice to get clothes that I feel cute in...I'm so grateful to my momma for treating me to that (thanks, mom!)

So, a slightly materialistic update from me...but really, I'm ok with the fact that getting some cute stuff made me feel better. My post-baby body has sent my self-esteem down the toilet, so I needed a little pick-me-up.

How Dad is Doing...

Sean went away for the weekend to go camping with the SFK guys. They go every year. He always comes home with ridiculous stories, which I enjoy. Though, I must say that I've gotta get a group of girls to go somewhere for a weekend so I can be the one getting away for a while, haha. He really needed and deserved it, though. Still, it was so nice when he came home today! They stopped at Uncle John's Cider Mill on their way up north and he bought me a bottle of raspberry wine...mmmmm.

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