Saturday, September 24, 2011

2 Month Update: Pokes & Photos

A lot has happened with the White family! First, I want to share a few of my faves from our first family photo shoot (with Michael D Lilly Photo). Being a photographer myself, it's somewhat of a struggle to find a photographer that I like and trust...thankfully, we have great friends at church who just so happen to be photographers, too (Lenon James Photography did some maternity photos for us at the tail end of my pregnancy). So, here are a few of my favorites:

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming:

How Roan is Doing...

Roan is doing well! He had his 2-month check up on the 20th. He measured 12lbs 12oz, putting him in the 50th - 75th percentile for weight...23.5 inches long, putting him in the 50th for height...his head was 42cm, putting him in the 75th-90th percentile for that! We thought those were kinda big ranges to give, but regardless, it means he's got a big head! Though not too big...nothing to be concerned about or anything.

He was so brave getting his shots! He did cry, obviously, but honestly, he's cried harder when he's hungry! I held him for a minute or so after the shots and laid him down to put his pants on...he stopped crying by then. He slept, but was awake for his 3pm feeding, right on time.

He's developed a natural schedule. He eats at 3am, 6am, noon, 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm...generally. He'll sleep after his 8:30/9pm feeding until his 3am feeding. Most of the time. Haha. The problem is Sean and I's sleep cycles are off, so we're not tired until 1:30/2am, unless we didn't get much sleep & didn't nap during the day.

He's discovered his fists, as you can see in the photo. He'll spit his paci out, look at his fist, then jam it in his mouth! We don't want him to suck his thumb because we've heard it's easier to get them off a paci than the thumb (cause you can't take their thumb away), but we might have a thumb sucker whether we like it or not!

How Mom is Doing...

Still tired! As I said, I can't even get tired till 1:30/2am. I have got to fix that...somehow. My tattoo needs to be touched up, but I want to add a verse reference to the tattoo on my right foot (Psalm 30:11 "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy"). So I have to call and make sure that's ok, what it'll cost, etc.

I've started to crochet a little again...when Roan naps. I've thought about maybe trying to sell some hats, bottle cozies, booties, etc. But I do custom pieces, too, so if you or anyone you know wants something done, let me know! I'm not an expert by any means, but if I can find a pattern, I can pretty much get it done.
How Dad is Doing...

Dad's still working, working, working. Though, again, nothing like turnover. So we're glad for nice as the income is during those weeks, it's much nicer having him home more.

He had his 10 year high school reunion. It was fun, but his friends (the SFK) still hang out all the time, so it was just like a SFK get-together...which is totally fine cause those are always fun. He did talk to some people he hadn't seen since high school, though. In his words, from Facebook:
" Only about 90ish/385ish in our graduating class were there. It was mostly just hanging out with SFK plus getting to talk with some people I was friends with in Jr. High/HS that I hadn't seen since then. Social networking has removed the necessity for reunions and the economy has destroyed the practicality for people who live more than 30 minutes away. It was still pretty fun though because Mikenna and I got to have a night out without Roan :)"

It was harder for me to be away from Roan, I think...just cause, ya know, it's different for moms. Not that he didn't miss him. I had to resist the urge to call Sean's dad every 10 minutes!

That pretty much sums it up, I guess!

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