Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sick, Sick, Sick

It all started with Roan throwing up at daycare on Friday the 27th. I got him right in to the doctor and they saw an ear infection (left ear only) and a throat infection, which the doctor suspected was the reason for him throwing up. He prescribed Amoxicilin. I knew he was really not feeling well because he fell asleep on me while waiting for the doctor.

Things seemed to be going alright until Wednesday when he woke with a 100.6 he threw up at about 7:35, so I kept him home. I did call the doctor and the nurse gave me some things to look for and recommended scheduling a 1pm appointment for the next day in case he had a bad night. Thankfully, he never threw up again.

By Wednesday night, the fever reached 102. Bama gave him Tylenol before bed (she watches him Wednesday nights). We have an Angelcare monitor (detects movement), but I still checked on him a few times because he felt so warm, I wanted to make sure the Tylenol was actually getting the fever down. He was in a pretty thick sleep sac, but I wondered if that would help the fever go down. I took him out of it and it seemed to help.

Then he woke up at 1am. And I'm guessing about every 3 hours after that. Sean kinda took over after 4am because I'd gotten about 2 hours of sleep since I couldn't fall back asleep after his 1am wake-up.

At 9:45 today, his fever was up to 102 again, so I gave him Tylenol and called the doctor. He was really, really tired...which was probably due to not sleeping well, but I couldn't tell if he was lethargic or just tired. But the nurse said to keep the 1pm appointment and they'd check for dehydration.

His mood at the doctor's office was quite different this time!

He was actually smiling a lot, but those pics were blurry because he was moving so much.
I thought Great, he's gonna make a liar out of me. But the doctor was really understanding...she calls it "The Doorknob Syndrome". Sick kids are sick  and well kids are well until you touch that door handle and open the door to the office, then the sick kids' symptoms disappear and the well kids start showing symptoms. 

She said his ears looked great. His temp was 98.9; though she suspected that was from the Tylenol. She recommended a change in antibiotics, so that's what we're doing. She said it'll take 24-48 hours for his temp to normalize.

Still, he does seem better today. I feel like my boy is back. Well, almost. Hopefully he'll sleep better tonight, though. And hopefully he won't get sick again cause this one is using up all my sick time! Glad I didn't use any of that during my maternity leave.

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