Monday, February 6, 2012

First Craft, First Girlfriend?!

How Roan is Doing

Roan is finally feeling better! So happy about that! His rash is basically gone...I seriously hated seeing his poor face just covered in those red spots.

He made his first craft at daycare :) They put the kids in the exersaucer with paper under their feet & they "feet painted"! Then they cut it out into a heart shape. It's hanging up in the hallway at daycare right now. They said Roan was kinda weirded out by the feeling of paint on his feet, haha.

So, we think Roan has his first girlfriend! There's a little girl in the nursery who's walking...she's actually going to be moving up to the next room soon. But when I dropped him off today, she walked right over to him in his car seat and they both had huge smiles on their faces! Sean said he's noticed that they get really excited when they see each other, too. The ladies in the nursery haven't said anything about them playing together a lot or anything, but I thought it was cute :) 

How Mom is Doing...

Down 8lbs thanks to Weight Watchers! I gotta kick it up, though, because I don't feel like my belly area is shrinking and that's the main thing I need to shrink. I didn't have an inhaler for weeks, then when I finally got one, our Xbox broke...which means no Your Shape. I was feeling pretty good this morning about my progress...then a 3rd grader asked if I was pregnant and told me I looked like I was. Not even an hour later, another 3rd grader said I looked like I just had a baby. Yeah, I know they're kids...and it definitely doesn't sting or offend like it would if they were adults. But it still does kinda stink. Kids call it like it is. Oh well, moving on. 

How Dad is Doing...

Working, working, working! And we're not complaining. They're waiting to hear if a property accepts their bid that would give them 6ish weeks of work. So we're crossing our fingers and praying they accept it. 

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