Saturday, February 25, 2012


How Roan is Doing...

You can read all about his last appointment in the previous post, if you want.

Grandma Bibi (my mom), great-grandma Berta, and aunt Jessie came up for my cousin's shower. She (along with my aunt, uncle, and other cousins) live up in Marquette, but they were in Lansing for something else, so we had a little family shower for her at PF Changs. Hers is the first wedding I will be a bridesmaid in! Anyway, this is supposed to be about Roan, haha. 

Still not crawling, but that's ok. He's just too efficient at rolling! Tooth #1 isn't all the way through yet and tooth #2, according to the doctor, should have been here by now, but alas, it's still hiding. Thankfully, he's back to eating his usual amounts.

He loves clapping (among many things), as evidenced by this video (taken today):

We've started putting Roan to bed a little later and it's going pretty well. He still wakes up at the same time as before (around 6am). Although this morning he slept till 7! We're now starting bedtime routine at 8pm instead of 7pm. Though he would go to bed fine, it was always a little stressful with naps and feedings. He'd always want to nap from 5-6, but that was just too close to bedtime, so we'd keep him up. Also, whenever family would babysit, they really wouldn't get much time with him. Now, he takes a nap as soon as we get home from daycare. That way he's awake by 5:45 at the latest and ready to eat by 7:30/8pm. Though today he napped until 6, but still went down just fine. We're spoiled by this kid!

Basically everything with Sean and I is the same. We're both still nothing really to report for us.

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