Thursday, March 8, 2012

New Daycare

How Roan is Doing...
For the daycare ladies :)
Roan is starting at a new daycare on Monday. He has been going to the Child Enrichment Center at Holt United Methodist and we truly love it there...this new daycare is just a better fit for us. The ladies in the nursery have been saying how they're going to miss him, and that makes me sad, but we are excited about this new place, too!

The new daycare is a home daycare that a friend from work told me about. And it just so turns out, the owner is a cousin of one of our friends from church!

So, I took pictures of Roan holding a "Thank You" sign as a gift for the ladies in the nursery & the lady who runs the daycare. He got a little cranky...I think my noises to get him to look at the camera backfired and I'm a little concerned I've traumatized him:

I think he's ready for more hearty food. So far, he's only had fruit and veggies. Those are obviously good, but they're not filling in the long-run. So I looked up some recipes for how to incorporate pureed meat (starting with chicken) into his diet. I think we're gonna try black beans, too. 

How Mom is Doing...

Officially at pre-pregnancy weight! Well, I weigh myself Saturday and Sunday and take the lowest one so I miiight be lower, but I weighed myself this morning and that's what I got. Although last week I was only 1lb away from pre-pregnancy, so.... I'm definitely at the point now where I need to tone more. It's just so hard for me to form good work-out habits. Even though we have the Xbox back so I could do Your Shape again. Honestly, it'd be a lot easier if I weren't working. I already wake up at 5:30ish...2 hours and 15 minutes before we have to get ready & get all of Roan's stuff ready for the day and even then I'm rushed most days. 

How Dad is Doing...
He's in the background of this one :)! A few band practices, guitar lessons (he teaches), and life group thrown in there, too, but mostly work. We are grateful for that, though! They really have steady work for a while, which is what we were praying for. There's almost always stuff in the works that they're bidding on, so our prayers are always that they get the work. One big job in particular would mean months of work, but likely overnight stays out-of-town for Sean; though likely only a few nights at a time because most of the guys have families, too, so they'll take turns. Again, we're just grateful for the work they do have!

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