Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Year Old!

Wow, Roan is a year old!

We didn't really do anything special today. Sean still had to work and I had Quin. Most of the celebrating will happen this weekend, though.

I'm going to try to post fewer pictures to Facebook and more on this blog. Sometimes I feel like pictures of Roan are probably just flooding people's news feed...I'm sure people have blocked me out of annoyance. I also don't really have time to spend on Facebook uploading pictures. Blog posts are even more time consuming, so I can't guarantee a lot of posts, either. But for the sake of long-distance family, I will try. I won't do a monthly photoshoot now that he's a year old...I just don't feel the need to take so many pictures.

I feel like I've become one of *those* people who only ever talks about their kid...like Roan's identity has become mine in a sense. At first, I could care less if people were "bothered" by the pictures and posts about Roan (I still mostly feel that way). After all, he's my kid. Is it wrong for me to love my kid that much (so long as God is still #1)? Such a hard balance to find as a parent...to feel torn about slowly losing friendships, yet also not ever wanting to neglect your own flesh and blood for the sake of said friendships (sorry, but it's true). I feel like I have no social life and perhaps the endless pictures and posts about Roan is to blame? Insecurity rears it's ugly head.

Anyway, moving on.

Here's my 1 year old boy...no longer a baby.

I love him so very much. So, so, so very much. God is good...and Roan is proof of that. Words cannot express...they simply can't.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

We being the family away from you all love every minute of the pictures you post and love it even more when Jay and Natalie are included, We will be sorry not to see them all of the time, but can understand where you are coming from. Life gets busy with a young boy in your life and you are also taking care of another. Just between us we think you are awesome parents you and Sean and proud of everything you do, I do not always comment but I do look at them all. Thank you for sharing this wonderful life with us, Nana and Papa