Thursday, August 18, 2011

Maternity Leave & Other News

Extending my leave...

I officially decided to extend my leave from work. I'll go back after Christmas after New Years. Well, it's not official on paper yet. I have to talk to HR. I want to make sure I at least have reasonable assurance that I'll have the same placement/assignment when I come back. I want to come back to Sycamore!

I have mixed emotions about it. I love my job & my coworkers. Yet I also feel like if we have the means for me to stay home longer, then really...I should. To use a cliche, I won't get this time back with Roan. I'm sure I'll get cabin fever. I'm sure there will be days where I wish I was at work (but maybe those will be the days Roan and I will drop in for a visit). I'm also sure that if I don't do this, I will look back one day and regret it.

I'm so blessed to have the job I do. Everyone has been so understanding. It's really indescribable how great it is to know that everyone supports me with this decision. Guaranteed I would not have had that at any of my previous jobs.

In other news...

Roan is such a momma's boy! Last night, I put him in the bassinet to sleep. Naturally, he wouldn't. He was kicking and fussy, so I picked him up and held him up to my chest...he instantly fell asleep. How could I put him down after that?! Then today, I was talking to him...he was looking right in my eyes and smiled at me! I mean a big smile! I started to cry! I knew he was going to be smiling soon.

I looked into getting tested for malignant hyperthermia. For those that don't know, I had eye surgery at 18 months old and on the way to the recovery room, I went into hyperthermia - they said it was from the anesthesia. Years later, my parents took me to a new doctor and he said it sounded really suspicious & they should get the record from the surgery so he could look at it. The hospital lost the record...hospitals don't just lose records. And the anesthesiologist from that surgery retired right after my surgery. So, basically, malignant hyperthermia usually happens soon after getting the anesthesia...but with me, it was after a 3 hour surgery, which is odd. So we're not sure if I have it or not, but it's very serious. If I have it & am given general anesthesia (instead of local), I could die. And if I don't have an ID bracelet for it and get into an accident or something & can't tell the ER staff about it, get the point.

The problem is the testing for it costs $8k - $10k! And there are only about 5 testing centers and the closest one I think would be in Toronto. So testing is really not an option, so I'm just gonna live like I have it. I'm ordering an ID bracelet, too. I was bummed to see how expensive it is and that we'd have to travel sooo far for it. Before my c-section, the anesthesiologists were very, very adamant that I either be tested or get a bracelet and just operate under the assumption that I have MH. And actually, my possible MH is why my OB put my c-section before an emergency c-section she had scheduled.

Sean will be done with turns on the 24th. So far, this week hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be. But I'm still counting down the days!

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