Sunday, August 7, 2011

Updates. So very awesomely blessed.

How Roan is Doing...

Roan absolutely loves to be carried this way. I spend countless hours pacing around the  house holding him like this. If his head is against my chest, he squirms and grunts (unless he's asleep)!

Roan is growing as always. I believe he's about 9lbs 10oz now...which, crazy to think, is how much his cousin Jay weighed at birth! My sister-in-law is friggin' superwoman for carrying that big of a baby around in her belly!

For a while, we thought Roan was getting colic-y. We were giving him gripe water for gas, but it wasn't helping that much. So, Sean went to two stores to get Mylicon gas drops but they were out. My mom looked online & said Target sells it...of course, not the one closest to us. So I went to the west side one & they were out, too! Thankfully, they weren't out of the Target brand, so I was able to get some. I think his fussy-ness was a combination of gas and a growth spurt. He still obviously has his fussy times...he is a baby after all. But I'm glad his absolutely inconsolable fussy period is over. Until the next one!

How Mom is Doing...

I love the Moby, but I ordered a ring sling that I'm excited about! Just need something that's a little faster to get him in and out of.

I am doing much better. I really went through a hard time there for a while. It's still not easy...basically being a single mom because of how much Sean has been working (and the worst is yet to come). But he had an unexpected short day & some time off. That really helps lift my spirits! Even if we do nothing but watch tv, it's just nice spending time together.

Also, I think I just had to accept the fact that this is my life right now. This is how things are. Not that they're all that terrible...I just had to stop expecting to get a full night's sleep or for Sean to come home at 4pm like most working dads. It also helps that I feel like I'm getting to know Roan more, getting to know his cries and what they mean. I don't feel as clueless as I did in the beginning.

I'm still getting help from a lactation consultant. She's on vacation for 2 weeks so her coworker is taking over for that time; she said she's really knowledgeable as she spends all her free time researching and reading articles on breastfeeding. She has a bit more of a medical background and may have different reasons for why I still feel pain when feeding him. I'm surprised and kinda proud of myself for sticking with this for 4 weeks now...especially since we went one whole week solely cup feeding him while waiting for a consultant to come see us! I wish I had video of that, but here's one (<-- link) I found online, though we did it a little differently. It's extremely messy and time consuming considering we'd fill up that little cup 6 times each feeding! Plus, I had to pump on top of that & clean everything. 

How Dad is Doing...

As I said before, he's still working a lot...though having this weekend & next weekend off has been and will be nice. The last turnover is just huge, though...about 600 apartments need to be done in a week apparently! So he's probably gonna be working from 7/8am to 10/11pm every day for like 10 days. I'm a little nervous about how that's gonna go...not just on my end, but for him. I mean, I know he can do it, it's just sooo much work and such long days. I'm so proud of him for working so hard to provide for our family!

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Oh you are sure working hard, and it will get easier. That little fellow is just getting his bearings, remember he has been basking in the tummy for nine months so this is a big jump for him too. You are doing great and I can relate to your having Sean gone, Papa was traveling when I had my kiddos and I only had him with me on weekends, and it was not really that easy but we made it, We love you and know you will soon get a grip on life without sleep. Nana