Monday, August 29, 2011

Always Changing

Things are constantly changing in our lives now! If we're not going through a growth spurt, then we're trying to adjust to a new method of feeding...or trying different tricks to get him to sleep longer at night.

How Roan is Doing...

Staring at his crib toy - he loves it!
Roan is doing well! He loves crib toy, as you can see in the picture. You can also kinda see part of his bald bald spot on the left side of his head (where his cowlick is/was). Such a weird spot!

He's definitely getting more expressive. I love it!

He still fits in to most of his newborn-size clothes. I was concerned with whether or not he was gaining like he should. I couldn't tell exactly how much he was getting at feeding time, but I never really felt like he was satisfied. My pain started to come back with feeding, so I decided to pump and bottle feed exclusively. I refuse to ruin my time with him & I don't want to look back on this time and think "Gosh, I was stressed about breastfeeding that whole time!" So now I know he's getting enough...and now that I'm pumping, I don't think he was getting as much as he needed before because I'm not pumping as much as he needs to be satisfied. They say babies are more efficient, but I think our problem was he's not efficient. And I think that's because of all the issues we had in the beginning. Ever since we started bottle feeding him, I honestly think he feels like he's gaining weight again!

How Mom is Doing...

I'm feeling very refreshed, thanks to my wonderful husband! He did a lot of Baby Duty the other day so I could rest and get some stuff done. We went on a walk at Hawk Island yesterday. That was really nice and the family time was definitely needed for my sanity.

I'm also feeling refreshed because of the decision to pump & bottle feed. It's a lot of work to do it, but I already feel so much less stressed out. Roan slept really well last night and I told Sean it was because he spent so much time with Daddy. He responded "He probably slept so well because Mommy's not so stressed out." True...true. 

I've been approved for my leave extension. They're going to send me some paperwork - probably a form I have to fill out, sign, etc. We have some PD (professional development) coming up and I asked HR if I could go.... I really want to because it's usually a lot of team-building and I definitely think it's important that I be there even though I'm taking the first 1/2 of the year off. They said normally they wouldn't allow it, but "in this case, we will." I'm actually really excited to see all my coworkers and hear the vision and goals for this year! Melissa (the principal) is great & always gets me pumped up, so I'm sure I'm gonna be anxious to get back to work in January.

How Dad is Doing...

Turnover is done!! It's hard to tell who's most excited about this! He actually has a day off coming up. A..whole...DAY! I have to go into work for a little bit (I want to) and I have an appointment, but that's ok. We'll have the rest of the day together. 

Even though turnover was officially done on the 24th, it didn't feel like it because they were painting at a daycare. So, they had to go in after they were closed to paint. It was a big job in that one room had something like 25 colors alone! They had these little buildings for the kids to play in/on and they wanted those touched up. Sean said it was just a lot of meticulous, slow work. Usually they can paint pretty fast and get it done quickly. This job was more detailed, though. 

So turnover is done...but football season is about to start. Dad is excited about this...Mom is not. Haha. 

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