Sunday, October 2, 2011

If It Aint Broke...

How Roan is Doing...

We decided it was time for Roan to start sleeping in his crib. Thankfully, this has been relatively easy at least the first two nights (this is night 3 and he's been asleep up there for about 1 hour so far). The first night he went almost 12 hours (he had a bottle after about 9.5 hours that night, but then went right back to bed). The second night he did a 6ish hour stretch, then up every 3 hours. We'll see how tonight goes.

Unfortunately, it's been a different story during the day. He just loves to sleep on our laps, in his Boppy with us right by him, or in his Rock 'N Play. I've wondered many times "Why are we doing this? Why are we disrupting a 'good' thing? Do we enjoy inflicting pain and chaos on ourselves?" But ultimately, Sean and I really just need our time together again. We need to be sleeping in the same bed (last night was the first night in about 6 months!!) We need time together so we can have a strong marriage, and therefore be better parents for Roan.

Our goal for week 1 is to get him to sleep in his crib for really any length of and night. Then our goal will be to get a 6 hr stretch at night...though if that is happening now, then we'll say an 8 hour stretch is the goal...or whatever the time frame may be. 

It has not been easy. I love snuggling with him! I know the day is coming when he won't want to be held and I'm dreading it. 

In other news...Roan is being dedicated on Oct. 16th. I'm excited because my family from Indiana are coming up. Dedications at our church are different than child baptisms or christenings. It's really more for us as have the prayer and support of the church, etc. We believe that Roan should be baptized when he makes that choice. But we still wanna say that he's God's kid first and we're trusting God to help us raise him and all that jazz. 

How Mom is Doing...

The tattoo addiction has taken hold! I got the tattoo on my right foot touched up and added "2 Cor. 12:9"  which is "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." I think eventually I want a white ink tattoo on my wrist. A friend recently got one and I saw her picture on Facebook and it only made me want one more haha. I think I want to get something in Arabic though. Something that can be covered with a watch or bracelet if I need to...although white ink is barely noticeable on pasty white skin like mine (which is kind of why I like it). 

I've decided to start making and selling crochet items on Etsy. My shop is I'm slowly making and adding things...some things I made for myself or for Roan and don't want to sell the actual one pictured, but I can duplicate them. If I don't end up selling anything, oh well. I've just had people ask me to make them things, so I thought "Why not?". 

How Dad is Doing...

Work has started to slow quite a bit. He worked like 1.5 days last week. He has more work Monday and Tuesday this week, but so far nothing the rest of the week. It's good for family time, but not for the bank account. I must admit, I do love him being home...but at the end of the day, we need to eat. The timing was really good, though, for crib-training Roan.

Other than that, though, he mostly just watches football haha. Though we have been able to catch up on our shows (Dexter, Modern Family, Community, and others). 

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