Monday, November 14, 2011

4 Month Checkup

How Roan is Doing...

Roan just had his 4 month checkup! All is on track with my little man. Here's his stats:

Weight = 15lb 14oz (50-60th percentile)
Height = 25.75'' (60th)
Head circ. = 44cm (60th)

His appointment was at 1:15pm. This was a slight problem because he was supposed to eat at 1pm. But he wasn't crying & seemed relatively happy, so I held him off. The nurse kept referring to him as a girl! I have a hard time with what to do in that situation...I usually try to ask a question using "he"...or call him my big guy/baby boy, etc. She apologized and said she has 5 granddaughters. "Plus, he's just such a beautiful baby!" I know, nurse lady, I know :)

Then it was time for his shots. He had 3 of them. Of course, he cried, but not as bad as I thought. It is harder when they have real tears. Plus, I think the fact that he was hungry didn't help. Guess that disqualifies me for the mom-of-the-year award (if you really think that, then pffft to you). Really, though, he was fine. He was hungry, but not famished. Just getting to that "Hey...hey, I'm getting hungry."

I have to go clothes shopping for him. His plain white 3-6 month onesies don't fit! Seriously, Gerber, what the frick?! It can't be that Roan is big...I mean 60th percentile is still pretty average. Oh well, clothes shopping is fun :) Also, I know he's super close to not fitting in size 2 diapers anymore. Good thing I just bought another pack (eye roll).

We're kind of easing into using cloth diapers (except when out in public, at night, and possibly when people babysit). So far I've had quite a few leaks. Not too sure how it's gonna work out. We'll see.

How Mom is Doing...

I have been good...busy! Lots of photo shoots recently, which is great. I really need to make some investments to get my photography going a bit more. 

I'm pretty addicted to Pinterest. But, because of that site, I've learned how to make sock bun curls (no heat = awesome!), I've made some pretty good food, and I've done lots of organizing & need to do more. And there are some pretty neat DIY projects on there, too. Really, it's probably the healthiest addiction because organizing is always good...DIY projects save money. The hair part is kinda vain, but it's helpful because as a momma, I need quick hairstyles that keep my hair out of my face.

How Dad is Doing...

Sean has been good, too. The new job is going ok. I think he's only had a few days where he's installed 3 or 4 kits. If he installs 4 early on in his shift, he's technically allowed to leave work early. There were a few days where he didn't do any cause of the neighborhood he was in. Some neighborhoods just don't answer the door.

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