Sunday, November 27, 2011


We visited my family in Indiana for Thanksgiving. As usual, it was great being with family. For some, it was their first time meeting Roan. He did really well being away from home and he's done really well getting back into his "routine". Here are some photos from the weekend.
Roan with my aunt Jody
He loved his great-uncle Jaa.
Snuggling right up...super cute moment.

Grandma Berta giving him a bottle.

Uncle Micah and aunt Drea

Grandma and Tom

Uncle Morgan

He was tired and Sean played his guitar and voila! Well, for a little bit.

In other Roan news, he's a tummy sleeper! We found him sleeping on his tummy one morning and it's been that way ever since. Only, it seems as though he forgot how to roll the other way now that he knows how to get on his tummy. Just today he rolled onto his back twice, so hopefully he'll keep that up. Sometimes I keep rolling him onto his back only to have him roll right back onto his tummy and proceed to whine until I roll him over again. Haha.

Our cloth diaper endeavor failed. I bought used BumGenius diapers from a friend. I put 2 liners in them and after about 8 leaks (during the day), I decided it wasn't worth it. Not worth it to change his outfit 3+ times a day. They seemed to be leaking from the sides because the front would be dry, but the side and back would be wet. So unless I was doing something wrong or there are diapers that hold more, looks like we're sticking with Huggies Pure and Natural. Maybe we'll try again in a few months...perhaps when he's not peeing as frequently? Does that happen with boys? Haha. I don't know what to do with the diapers now.

We're not starting solids yet. Doc said to wait till he's closer to 6 months. That was my original plan anyway. Roan sleeps 10+ hours a night...that would be the only reason why I might introduce oatmeal. I want to look more into baby-led solids and I'm pretty certain I want to give him oatmeal instead of rice cereal. It's just crazy right now to think about him eating solids! I am looking forward to him not going through so much formula. He eats 8oz at almost every feeding! We give him Earth's Best Organic formula and that stuff is expensive...and we go through a can just about every week. Our boy is an eater!

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