Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happy Belated 5 Months!

Wow, Keane-y Beane-y is 5 months old (yesterday). Almost half a year! Where has the time gone?!

I was a day late taking his pictures...oops. I kinda forgot that it was his 5 month birthday until this morning. So I snapped a few pictures of him before he had his bottle & we left for church. A day late is close enough. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Sporting his Inspired by Finn amber necklace :) Just in case he starts teething soon. Plus, I think it's adorable on him!

Gosh I love him so!

I'm happy to report that he's re-learned how to roll onto his back and rolls back and forth all the time. I've just gotta bite the bullet and get some of those foam squares so he can spend more time on the floor and have more room to roll.

We're going to try stage 3 bottle nipples tomorrow. For those that don't know, stage 1 is slow flow...0-3 months, I think. We switched to stage 2 (medium flow, 3-6 months) when he was 2 months, I think? I was pumping & bottle feeding, so I noticed that he was getting frustrated during his feedings, but he was still obviously hungry. Actually, I suspect that also contributed to why breast feeding didn't work for us. He was SO hungry that he sucked really, really hard and it caused me a lot of pain. Combined with the recessed chin thing.... Hopefully I'll have better success the second time around (it's gonna be a while till we have a 2nd baby haha).

Lately he's been like that...grunty/squirmy, but seemingly absolutely famished. He's been burp-y a lot...usually he can take 6 ounces without having to burp until the end! I think he might be burp-y because he's sucking so hard to get the formula out that he's taking in a lot of air. Stage 3 is technically for 6+ months, but since we switched to stage 2 early with success, I'm not too concerned that this will harm him, haha. Worst case scenario: it's too fast for him, so we'll stop using stage 3 and go back to stage 2.

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