Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Little Pre-Christmas Update

How Roan is Doing...

 He tried solids! I was out to eat with family and someone asked how feedings were going & I explained my frustrations and how I really feel like we need to try solids, but I was waiting till 6 months. My cousin, and dear friend, Devon said "You know, I would lean towards trusting your mommy instincts on this one." And I realized that she was right. I've been ignoring my instincts. Yes, Roan's doctor said "wait till closer to 6 months"; but that was at his 4 month checkup. And I researched it and came to the conclusion that it was time. We're also gonna skip oatmeal/rice cereal.
He did really well with the avocado! Though I don't think he liked the taste, he at least ate it haha.

We're basically set with the day care. Just gotta get some paperwork filled out. We are looking for a nanny, though. If anyone knows of someone who's interested...or is looking themselves, we are definitely looking.

How Mom is Doing...
Yeah, another one from Thanksgiving. I don't have any recent ones of us.
My anxiety about going back to work increases each day. I can only imagine how I'm going to feel January 2nd! I'm expecting a massive tummy ache, haha. Sometimes I get that's only going to be made worse given that I haven't worked since June 2011. I'm really hoping that Roan doesn't start crawling at daycare (please, oh please, baby boy). I've been blessed to witness so many milestones and "firsts" since I've been home; I really dread the idea of missing some. Such is life, I guess. I'm debating telling the daycare to just not tell me if he does something for the first time. Just let me think I'm seeing the first crawl :)

One thing that does help about going back to work is knowing I won't have to swim with the kids! It's not my favorite thing, but especially seeing how not bathing-suit ready I look, I was pleased to hear that I will swap with another para as she is lifeguard I will stay back and do her job. Thank you, Denise, for that one!

How Dad is Doing...
Another Thanksgiving one; no new photos of dad either.
I think it's safe to publicly say this now...Sean quit working at Inspired Green. Let's just say it was the best option for our family for him to return to had nothing to do with the company or the people. He was able to start painting again the very next day. One of the guys on the crew (our friend)...his wife is pregnant and is actually being induced tomorrow, but at the time Sean quit, they thought she was gonna have him soon, so he wanted to be home anyway in case that did happen. That left a spot open for Sean. So it really worked out well for everyone.

We've discussed that painting might end up being his career for the indefinite future. He has an associates, but no bachelors or anything like that. And as long as they have a decent amount of work, he makes good money. There may be a day when he can go back to school to get a degree, but at least right now, he'd want to go for teaching and now is not the time to find jobs teaching. For now, though, painting provides for our family. 

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