Monday, December 19, 2011

Mommy and Roan's Adventure

And what an adventure it was! Though I am glad it wasn't more of an adventure.

Roan and I left Saturday morning for the Detmers Christmas. Sean couldn't go because he had to play guitar at church all weekend.

We left after Roan's 10am-ish 10:45. The roads around town weren't great, but I was hopeful the highway would be better.

The highway just looked after a rain. I was still taking it slow. Especially after I saw a cop car with an SUV on it's side at an exit. It looked like he was just waiting for the tow as the back of the SUV was open and there didn't appear to be anyone in it.

5 minutes later, at the most, traffic was backed up. One of those where you move 5 feet, then stop...then another 5, then stop. And it went on for a long, long time. I couldn't see what was going on, but as I got closer, they were making everyone get off at Lansing Road. Lansing Road runs right next to the highway, for those that don't know. So once I got off the highway and drove for a bit, I saw a few fire trucks and two tows taking away a pick-up truck and an RV. The truck's roof was banged up pretty bad and the side of the RV was banged up, too. So it was a big accident. They were letting people back on at the Shell station where Lansing Roand meets Vermontville Highway. I needed gas, so we made a pit stop and were on our way.

The roads still just seemed wet to me, so I think the accidents happened before it was warm enough to melt the ice. The snow came the night before and the roads were already wet, so it just created a ton of black ice.

We made it safely to my parents a few hours before dinner was supposed to start. I didn't really have time to get things situated where I wanted them...or to remember where I put stuff...because it had to be put away fast. Roan was hungry and my mom had worked tirelessly to clean the house, so I was not about to just dump everything and mess it up. The rest of our time there was kinda crazy, trying to remember where things were.

Then came bed time later that evening. I didn't bring Roan's bath sponge (really, the only way he's happy in the bath is if he's free to kick), so he got his first bath in the sink!

Love those rolls!!
Bed time was frantic, too, as I had to move the pack 'n play upstairs. No one else knew how to do that, so I couldn't just ask someone to do it. I was sweating just trying to get his bath done (I had help there), move the pack 'n play (also had help), and make his bottle...all the while knowing he was hungry and tired.

He didn't nap well that day, so I thought "He'll sleep like a champ!" At 3am, I hear him whining over the monitor. I'd put him in an overnight diaper, so he couldn't have been super wet...and he usually doesn't poop till morning. Still, I checked on him...diaper was fine...gave him his paci, and went back to bed. He continued to whine. I later would discover that he just wanted snuggles because he was out of his element. Also, I left his sleep sac downstairs, so I think he was a little chilly. I continued to watch the lights on the monitor and committed to only letting him whine or 15 minutes. Mind you, this was just his "I'm uncomfortable" grunting...he wasn't screaming or crying.

He woke up again at 5:15ish. At home, he'll sleep till 6/6:30 at the earliest. I changed his diaper and put his sleep sac on...held him up to me...put a blanket over him and started swaying with him. He put his thumb in his mouth, laid his head down on my chest, and was out instantly. I rocked him for a little longer, though, because I felt bad...and I so love snuggling him! He woke up the next time at 8am and I fed him then.

Sunday, it was time to go home. Everyone was getting together again at either grandma's or Jaa & Jody's, but it was taking a while to figure out the details. I knew the absolute latest we could leave was 3pm. Thankfully, Roan's feedings worked out to where he ate at 2pm (when everyone met up at Jaa & Jody's), so I was able to feed him and still hang out for half-an-hour or so until it was time to go.

The drive home was far less eventful & scary as the drive down. Although I was exhausted and didn't realize to what magnitude until we started driving. That was a little scary.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the weekend: 

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Oh my dear how brave to start alone and not knowing how the weather would be good job. I love the pictures, do not know who the little blonde girl is but what a cutie. so glad you had fun with your family, that is so important.