Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Day at Day Care

Well, we I survived. I knew Roan would...I know he was in good hands. How I was going to handle it emotionally was another thing all together.

Dropping him off wasn't that bad. Sean came with me. I just felt a little overwhelmed by everything - making sure I'd brought everything, putting it in the right place, etc. I labeled some stuff wrong, so I felt bad about that. Hopefully they understand it's my first time doing this.

I didn't cry until I got to work. All it took was walking in the room and Denise saying "We're so glad you're back!" It was still just the mixed emotions...missing Roan and wishing I could be with him, but I'd also missed my coworkers. I actually didn't cry the rest of the day.

He was just fine when I visited around noon. He was in a Bumbo, reaching for a toy on the floor, grunting because he couldn't reach it. I tried getting his attention with my voice, but he was so focused on the toy, he didn't notice. I tapped his hand and he looked up, gave me a half smile, and then it was right back to the toy! I was glad that seeing me didn't send him into a panic, but it also made me sad for him to apparently not be all that excited to see me.

They said he'd slept 2 hours that morning and was doing really well. "He's such a happy baby!" they said. I think that's why I didn't cry again...I knew he was doing ok. Had he had a rough morning, I would have definitely cried more.

He was fine when I went to pick him up, too. They commented on how cute he was and what a good day he had. That helped immensely!

I'm hoping it won't take too long to get used to it and it won't be as much of an ordeal getting out of the house in the morning. Ha!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

I bet it's hard! Glad he did so well though! I don't work but I do go to 3 hours of classes every morning and really miss Sophie during that time, but I know she LOVES it and the socialization is great for her.