Monday, August 13, 2012

First Blood Draw

I took Roan to get his lead level tested. It's just a routine thing (we get a $10 Meijer gift card for doing it). I thought it was just going to be a finger prick. Had I known it was a full-fledged blood draw, I would have waited until he's over this cold or whatever (not sure if it's a cold or another tooth).

I don't think the lab tech believed me when I said Roan was strong. The nurses have always commented on how strong he is when he gets his shots. He said "Well, I'll just take a look at him first." So he had me sit in the chair and squeezed Roan's arm so he could feel his veins. Like his mamma, he's got good veins. He said "Ya know what, I can tell he's strong, so I'm gonna get someone to help me."

Told ya so.

Obviously, Roan cried. But like his shots, he was over it quickly, talking about "stars" and "dadda".

Plus, he got a cool Band-Aid! He liked it so much, I bought a box at Meijer. I realized that we didn't have any "cool" Band-Aids at home, haha.

He's so close to having to move up to the next car seat!
I made my first post on my "personal" blog (<--link). God's been doing some cool things in Sean & I's marriage and I wanted to share.

I'm off to clean  nap while Roan is napping (napping < cleaning).

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