Monday, June 13, 2011

37 weeks...Fuuull Term!!

Goin' with a shoulders-down shot...lookin' kinda scruffy!
I can't believe I'm at 37 weeks...18 days away from D-Day! Everyone thinks Roan is gonna come early. Obviously I hope they are right, but I'm trying to plan & mentally prepare to go past my due date.

His movements are getting really painful! Actually, if I'm sitting down & he starts moving, 99% of the time, it just plain hurts. But I still love feeling him move. It's reassuring.

Nesting has kicked in biiiig time! I got about 5 hours of sleep last night, but I felt great at work. It did hit me at about 1:30...about the time that we got back to the school after a picnic and Sweet Sensations ice cream. So I took a nap when I got home. I definitely have that burst-of-energy thing going on.

This last weekend was a big weekend! My shower at work was Friday morning, Omi & pedicures with Dev & Kristie Friday night, cousin's open house in Cement City on Saturday, and then my family shower was yesterday (Sunday) lots of hanging out with the Detmers side (which I love). Here are some pictures from all the fun.

Jessie (my sis-in-law) spotted a turtle on the sidewalk by our townhouse! That's my brother holding the turtle. 

Coconut cupcakes my mom made for the shower.

Diaper cake! (and eclairs to the left...and another yuuuumy desert to the right. My mom made all the food!)

Favors from the shower :)

Our faces in this one just crack me up!

Violet & grandma Gigi (my aunt) at the shower.

Blanket that grandma Stornant made for Roan.

My mom & grandma are BEAUTIFUL ladies!

Sean's 100 year-old great grandma & I. She's a petite lady to begin with, but sitting next to my HUGE belly makes her look even smaller!
My mom did such an amazing job with the shower! And thanks to everyone who helped her :) Also, to everyone that came to my work shower & my family shower. I feel very blessed!

My aunt said she told my mom (before the shower) that she was doing everything as if the president was coming. My mom's response: "He is," with a smile :) 

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