Saturday, June 25, 2011

39 weeks...c'mon, baby!

Well, we're at 39 weeks now. One week away from DDay. Here's the bump:

Hopefully the last bump shot I'll do!
That tank top is just about the only thing that completely covers my belly anymore...that I can wear in this heat.

I've had a few false alarms. Well, not really any that sent us rushing to the hospital. Just things that kinda made me think Maybe this is the start of labor? But, obviously, they weren't.

It's hard not to get bummed that he hasn't arrived yet. It seems crazy to feel that way when I'm not even 40 weeks yet (although, really, 37 is term...and I'm close enough to 40). I think it's because so many people have predicted that I won't make it to July. I know it's still not July yet. But with each day that passes, the more convinced I am that he's not coming early. I promised myself I wouldn't get my hopes up because of people's predictions...but the damage has been done, I think.

It's hard, too, when there's the added pressure due to Sean's work. They've got some busy weeks coming up,  so it would be nice if Roan came sooner rather than closer to his due date so Sean won't miss out on too much work (money).

I have to remind myself of how close we are. And instead of looking at each day as "another day gone by without going in to labor", I need to look at each day as "one day closer". I also have to remind myself that, as Grandma Berta says, "He'll come by appointment." There's a day and a time that he's supposed to's all in God's plan.

I've crocheted so much stuff. Though I think I'm sick of it now. I might think of some other things to make, but right now I need a break. I did make these cute booties for Roan to come home in:

My nesting boost of energy seems to have dwindled. I slept a lot yesterday and I feel equally tired today. There's really not much left to be done other than keeping up with the dirty dishes. I'm really hoping the sleepiness is my body's way of prepping for labor!

Still my favorite thing is when Sean feels Roan move :) He felt another big movement the other day while we were stocking up on food & getting gas at Sams. It's great when he gets to experience a little bit of what I do every day.

Roan...sweet baby of ours...please come out now. Seriously. We're not kidding.

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