Tuesday, October 11, 2011

3 Stinkin' Months Old!

Roan is 3 months old!! Hard to believe!

How Roan is Doing...
I was trying to burp him...he was too tired.
Still working on getting him to sleep in his crib. He does pretty good at night, which is good. He goes to bed between 7:30-8pm and does a 6-8 hr stretch at first, then he gets up every 3ish hours (give or take) after that to eat. The good thing is he goes right back to sleep after those feedings. Actually most of the time his eyes are closed while he's eating. We don't turn on any lights & do very little talking to him while he's eating. Sometimes I'll kiss his forehead or tell him I love him, but very quietly. Sleeping in his crib during the day is still a challenge. I bought room-darkening blinds so hopefully that will help. The longest stretch he'll do is 30 minutes...though he did do 2 hours one day. That was a fluke, I think.

I caught his first laugh on video! I was talking to Sean about how I feel greedy...it used to be that I just wanted him to smile. Then I was ok with that for a while, but then it was "I want him to laugh!" Now it's "I want him to laugh more!" I know one day I'm really gonna miss him being this small, so I'm trying to enjoy the "now"...which is why I extended my maternity leave.

How Mom is Doing...
Yeaaaah...a bit silly :)

Not much has changed, really. Just trying to lose baby weight, haha. Sweets are my weakness & I've cheated a few times. Though, I am still proud of myself because I only had like 2 spoon-fulls of ice cream on separate occasions...as opposed to a whole bowl. 

I really need to start working out. I keep saying "when Roan's sleep schedule is more predictable"...but really, I could just take him down in the basement with me. Excuses, really, is what it is. Sean and I have taken a few walks with Roan & Rosie...but I need to be doing stuff more consistently. My cousin Chelsea is getting married next Spring and I'm in the wedding so I gotta get in shape before then! Which, I just gotta say I'm so excited to visit Marquette again! The UP is truly fantastical. God did a great job on that one. I just wish it wasn't so far away. 

Oh, and I made my first Etsy sale! I'm working on making more stuff to put up, but again, it's hard with Roan. If his naps during the day were more like 1 or 2 hours, that would help so much!

How Dad is Doing...

Work is still kinda slow. He was able to re-do our bedroom a little. We moved the bed, took down the ugly blinds & put up curtains, and got new bedding. 

We've got a lot of weddings to go to this month! Chris & Melissa are getting married this Friday. His friend, Porter (Jessica), is getting married on the 29th in Ohio! So we'll be down there for the weekend. Keeton and Brittany are getting married on the 23rd and Sean is playing guitar during the ceremony (I will be giving the wedding party cues for when they go down the aisle :)). Porter's wedding will be fun because it's been a long time since we've been to Ohio. Sean did an internship there, which is how he knows her. We'll be staying with his "second mom", Pam, when we're there. It'll be their first time meeting Roan...and our first long trip in the car with him! Fingers crossed that goes well, haha. I'm trying not to think about that part.

We both got our pertussis vaccine. It's combined with a tetanus shot, so our arms were seriously sore for 2 days after. Mine still hurts, actually, but I think it's from sleeping on my shoulder weird (due to the sore arm thing). 

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