Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ohio: Roan's First Road Trip

Sean's good friend Porter (though her last name isn't Porter now, so I guess we have to call her Jessica haha) got married in Columbus on the 29th, so we took Roan down there with us. Sean did an internship down there before he & I even met, which is how he knows Jessica. We stayed with Pam (whom Sean met during his internship) and her husband, John. 

Roan does great traveling! We hit the road at about 1:30/1:45pm, right after Roan ate, and he fell asleep pretty much as soon as we hit the highway. He slept till 4ish when we stopped to get food. Granted, our stop took a little over an hour because he peed when Sean was changing him, plus he had to eat, then be changed again before leaving. 

At some McDonalds somewhere in Ohio.
Once we got back on the road, he again fell asleep and slept until we arrived in Columbus!

We went straight to Jessica's rehearsal/out-of-towners dinner. She was very excited to meet Roan...I'm pretty sure he had no clue what was going on, but we were excited for him to meet her, too. The thing with Jessica is she has this contagious joy. She is one of those people that brightens up any room she walks into. I don't know her very well...this was only my 4th time seeing her face-to-face, but she instantly makes you feel like you've been friends for years. 

I couldn't decide which one was better, so I uploaded both.

Saturday was the wedding day, but it wasn't until 4:30pm, so we got to hang out with Pam and John. We ate at Jason's Deli. Roan was perfect in the restaurant. He got a bottle as soon as we got there, which helped.

Pam printed off directions to the wedding for us, but it took us to some subdivision. The directions didn't have the address on it, so we had to call her, ask her to look it up, then put the address in our GPS. Praise God for GPS! So, we got there only a few minutes before the wedding started. We were way in the back, but it was a great ceremony. So joyful, so relaxed, and so centered on God.

I have concluded/realized that something about becoming a mom means I will forever cry at anything and everything. Their vows totally got me choked up. I laughed, I cried. Hopefully someone will post a video on Facebook. I could see Jess' face and her expressions were priceless.

The reception was fun, too, and despite being outside in a tent, I was pretty warm. Though, that might have had to do with me spilling my ENTIRE cup of coffee down the front of my dress as I was sitting down. Thankfully, it was a long dress, plus I had boots on...and legwarmers underneath the boots. It wasn't so warm as it dried off, though. You couldn't see the spill because of the color & pattern of the dress. Just smells like coffee now (till I wash it). If you know anything about me, you know this is no surprise. I'm kind of a klutz.

Here's Jessica & Rob's entrance to the reception (her husband is from NY):

They danced to "Grow Old With You" from the wedding singer:

And some pics of Sean and I at the dress was dry by this point :)

"If you embarrass me ONE more time..."

Yaaaay Mrs. Buscemi! (Of course I'M making a silly face.)
We didn't stay out too late...being that we only knew 4 people at the wedding, including Jessica. We watched Captain America with John & Pam. I fell asleep, though.

Sunday was pretty relaxed. We hung out while Pam and John went to our stuff packed and all that. They went out & got Burger King, we ate, then left at about 2/2:30ish.

Some photos from Sunday:

Snuggles with momma :)

Poor guy just woke up and I'm taking pictures...but the letters from his bib left marks on his face :)

And he showed daddy how he can roll over!

Roan with Pam and John:

Roan was the same great traveler baby on the way home! He was a little fussy the first few minutes...but I think that's cause he doesn't like going in his car seat when he's awake. He doesn't like being strapped down, haha. Though he usually gives up and falls asleep in his car seat after 5-10 minutes.

He did really well sleeping, too. We opened up the Pack 'N Play for the first time there & that is what he slept in.

One thing I will say about the part of Columbus we were at (Westerville)'s very nice. I was completely amazed by so many of the houses there! A big house & lots of money is so not my life goal, but some of the houses were very interesting, kinda vintage...those I really liked :) I felt like a broken record, constantly saying "Holy COW!" or "Geesh!"

Hopefully it won't be too long before we can go back to Columbus! And knowing that Roan is such a great traveler will make that much easier. Though, he might not be so good when he's a toddler, haha. For now, we're keeping our fingers crossed. 

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