Monday, October 24, 2011

Big Weekend!

How Roan is Doing...

Ready for Lucy Cambern's 1st birthday party!
He went to his first birthday party...meaning the first birthday party he's been invited to. Lucy Cambern turned 1. The decorations were just awesome. It seriously looked like something you'd see in a magazine. I forgot to put Roan in his Halloween costume, though. I'm taking him to the parade at Sycamore, so I'll be sure to get pictures then.

He still sleeps wonderfully at night & is cooing and squealing all the time. He'll be up in his crib, talking away, and we'll be downstairs listening on the monitor (not that we can't hear without it haha) and we'll just laugh and marvel at the adorable sounds coming from him.

We're realizing that we are blessed with an easy baby. He will seriously be content on his play mat if all his needs are met. He'll just lay there, batting at the toys. He sleeps well, he's not colic-y. I'm sure we'll have our moments/phases with him (we are dreading teething). And I'm sure this means baby #2 is going to be a big challenge; hopefully this metaphorical lightening will strike twice.

How Mom is Doing...

I feel like I'm getting sick. It started with a sore throat. Plus, my nose/sinuses felt weird. It felt like I had a bloody nose, but nothing was coming out.  I've got a cup of Gypsy Cold Care tea brewing. We'll see if it helps. 

I've started to think about making a c-section support website. Mainly for moms who didn't plan on or want a c-section, but for whatever reason, ended up getting one. I have found little support out there for c-section moms...other than birth boards, which provides great "I've been there" or "Me too" kind of support. It's seriously a hard thing to go through for a lot of women. My struggle now is realizing I will likely never experience a vaginal delivery. A VBAC would be super dangerous for me, given my medical history, so I personally do not feel comfortable risking uterine rupture. My OB told me a VBAC would be possible, but the anesthesiologists were already super concerned with my first c-section, let alone adding the risks of a VBAC. 

If anyone knows of resources/support for c-section moms, leave me a comment. I want to stockpile a list for the blog/site. 

How Dad is Doing...

Note Roan's sausage legs!
Sean had the last 4ish (maybe more? ) days off work because of all that we had going on. Always nice to be together :). 

We're pretty sure we've become that couple that talks about their kid aaaall the time. Talking to friends anymore just winds up being us talking about Roan. So, we're sorry if we've been boring anyone or have made anyone feel left out. He just dominates sooo much of our life, it's only natural. Plus, I'm not working right now, so there goes that. We really try to talk about other things, too! I know I put a lot of pictures and videos on Facebook, but we have family that lives far away, so it's mostly for them. If that annoys anyone, too, Facebook has this great feature where you can "hide" people (wink, wink). I won't know about it & I won't be offended. I have no shame in uploading tons of pictures of my son. Just felt like putting that out there :)

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