Wednesday, June 8, 2011

36 week update

I had my 36 week appointment today. Nothing major to report. My OB said she doesn't check to see if I'm dilated unless I go over my due date. She said they also don't check often during labor (only if I report pressure, etc). I'm happy about that (for now) for several reasons. 

So, I'm glad my OB doesn't check to see if I'm dilated that much because 1) If I knew she was going to check me every week, I'd be obsessive/worried about it. 2) My OB said that each time you're checked, there's a risk of introducing bacteria. So if my OB doesn't want to take that risk, then I don't. 3) It just makes me feel better about my OB/the hospital not inducing me. What I mean is that I want Roan to come when HE'S ready and I feel like if they were going to check me a lot during labor, then our odds of hearing "You're not progressing like we'd like you to, so we're going to induce you," would increase. Granted, they still could say that, but still. Some women don't dilate quickly at first, but given time they'll jump from 5cm to 10cm in 30 minutes. My labor might be like that, it might not.

Anyway. F
rom here-on-out, I'll have an appointment once a week! Exciting :) 

So...comparison shot. The one on the right was taken yesterday. I feel like Roan dropped again. I can definitely tell in the pictures. Another indication is how I walk...waddle, waddle, waddle.

Size of baby: Oh I don't know exactly. He's obviously getting big, though! Somewhere around 6lbs and between 18-19 inches long.

Movement: No changes there. Still an active little guy.

Sleep: Same as before. Still on the couch...still having a hard time actually falling asleep. But I'm always exhausted by the time I leave work, so I usually nap when I get home.

Symptoms: Same as last week...add my feet swelling to the list. Prayer would be appreciated. And the heartburn. Oh my GOSH the heartburn is so bad sometimes!

Baby's position: Head down. I forgot to ask my OB if she can tell if he's posterior. I'll ask next week...if I remember.
Best Moment this week: My good friend, Mandy, dropped off dinner a few minutes ago! She just had a (precious) baby boy 6ish weeks ago and she's in the process of trying to sell her house, yet she was thoughtful enough to bring us some chicken stuffing casserole. It is in the oven as we speak. Thank you, Mandy! You are a blessing :)

1 comment:

Sandi said...

We can hardly wait to see the sweet little guy. You better rest cause those late night feedings can wear you out. Nana