Monday, December 5, 2011

Checking In

How Roan is Doing...
Roan is doing really well! Still sleeping and eating well. People have been asking me if he's crawling yet. I feel bad cause he spends much of his time in the pack-and-play or the exersaucer cause we have hardwood floors. Heck, I wouldn't want to lay on hardwood floors for longer than 2 minutes. I want to get those foam square things to put down on the floor. One Step Ahead has some that look like hardwood :) But we're seriously running out of space around here!

He's a super smiley baby, but not much of a laugher. If he does laugh or giggle, it's short-lived. I keep saying/thinking he's like his daddy and is very particular about what is funny to him. Again, it's not that he doesn't smile & isn't happy.

We're not starting solids until he's 6 months old (so...1/10/11ish). I think that's gonna be really weird when we do, though...and as he starts to eat more solids. He's growing up too fast!!
How Mom is Doing...

I'm just gonna say it. I don't want to go back to work. It has absolutely nothing to do with my job or my coworkers or the kids. I simply would rather be home with my son. I'm certainly not going to quit my job halfway through the year. The future is pretty uncertain, so I literally have to take it month-by-month. Money is tight because Sean basically took a pay cut with this new job. I'm not making any decisions right now. Gotta wait and see how things pan out over the coming months.

I'm just loving everything about being home. I love my time with Roan. I like cooking. I don't like cleaning, though, haha. But having a well-organized, clean home does feel really good, so I guess I should work harder on that. If I weren't going back to work, I'd probably have a different mindset about cleaning. I'm nervous as to how I'm gonna do it all once I go back to work. Moms do it all the time, though. Therefore, I should be able to as well, right?

How Dad is Doing...
We do this all the time...and say "SUPER BABY"!

Sean is still working, working, working. Going door-to-door in the cold, sometimes wet, weather. He definitely comes home with interesting stories sometimes. His work's Christmas party is this weekend. We've never gone to a work Christmas party for him...usually we just have mine.

We just got DVR, so I'm excited to be able to record shows I wanna watch when he's watching football & watch them the next day when he's at work ;) Not that I do a ton of watching tv.

Other than that, it's pretty much the same old, same old. Fantasy Football is still going on, he still plays guitar at church, and is teaching guitar after practice Tuesday nights.

Life is good :) Just living in the now. And our now is pretty dang awesome cause of our little guy.

1 comment:

Loli said...

If you do go back to work, don't let anyone make you feel badly about your decision. We all do what we have to. Roan knows you love him and the time you spend with him if you are working seems all that much more precious. You are a great mom.